美国制造商谈贸易战影响|美国Velshi&Ruhle | MSNBC

总统的经济政策正在激怒全国各地的CEO。美国巨人创始人兼首席执行官Bayard Winthrop与斯蒂芬妮·鲁尔(Stephanie Ruhle)一起谈论了他的公司在美国经营一切,以及他如何看待美国经济。 19/09/20播出。

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美国制造商谈贸易战影响|美国Velshi&Ruhle | MSNBC。

  1. Trump has no interest in bringing back manufacturing jobs. He's a phony wind bag–all pretense, no substance. Eventually manufacturing will be in the hands of robots–even cheaper labor. Manufacturing jobs are not the end all, be all to stability.

  2. Here it is in a Nutshell……. The past 40 years wages have been stagnant. People need to buy "cheep stuff" because we don't have the buying power we had 40 years ago. Automation wasn't what it is today. So, if these "jobs" do come back, they are going to be automated. Big Business (i.e., Farming) is mostly automated and mechanized. I don't see more and more jobs coming back in textiles or agriculture…America (we) need to make getting an education more cost effective to producing a technical future..i.e., jobs that can't easily be automated and pay a living wage……in a nutshell ✌

  3. and his workers(Bayard) are full of hispanic and other workers(saw it?) Give me a break! All they care about is making huge!!! profits! They not care if it is made in China,Taiwan,Thailand,India or any!!! other.As long it is cheap to make and they can sell big! China became great in producing cheap with according quality and!!! quick! And China can make very! good quality also! (They are doing it for a lot!!! of famous brands.)
    And now China is the bad guy???? HAHAHAHA! COME ON!!!
    The problem is NOT!!! China!
    But the corporate GREED!!!
    And where are the most products made by Trumps companies???? and now still! CHINA!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What he says about quality is quite a bit more nuanced.
    All kinds of cost are higher for the american manufacturer. The only thing you have working for you, is that the finished goods do not need to be shipped long distance.
    Shipping a full container from China would cost a few thousand US$. A Container would fit about 10.000 pair of Jeans. Very, very roughly you should add a dollar shipping cost for a pair of Jeans from China.
    If you attempt to match the price of the Chinese goods, you will find that your quality is actually worse.

    You think American factory workers are more skilled?
    You think American factory workers are more motivated?

  5. This guy does not answer any question directly. I know no idea what his answers is in a lot of the questions. A lot of words come out of his mouth but he says nothing.

  6. The businessmen want to make more money with less investements. People want to buy more things with less money. One wants the posibility to acumulate some wealth, the other one wants to have more and more. It's two different reality, we can't always find solution for only one side of the problem.


  8. If there are choices between expensive made in USA and cheaper made in China similar quality and tariffs do not even out the difference, how many people want to buy expensive one ? Politicians are rich but not most of US citizens.

  9. . . the average working person will always buy a cheaper item over a more expensive item no matter where it's made and that isn't going to change .

  10. Mr. Winthrop makes some good points. However, the major reason consumers have gravitated towards cheaper goods is because wages have not kept up. Can't afford more expensive clothing and other extras made in the U.S. when people are working two and three jobs and still living paycheck-to-paycheck! Let's let workers start taking home more of the profits, Mr. Winthrop!

  11. Trade between countries is great as long as it is fair. When Trump first went in the cheese producers screamed about Canadian imports. Trump said never mind he would stop that. That was fine except they harmed their own market. Canada bought 2/3-s more cheese fro the U.S. than they bought from us. Shut. I have not bought American cheese for over 2 years. Besides which we suddenly have a couple new cheese producers local. One who also makes and sell lovely berry wines. Farmers seem to be on the same wave lent as Trump. Could they afford the huge drop in Canadian exports…no they could not but no one stopped to think. Typical.

  12. Blah blah blah, why can't it be like the 50s. What garbage… manufacturers moved out for profits.
    Face it to reverse the tide is going to will require massive capital investment which means giving up shareholder value. Hence will never happen in the next 20 years.

  13. The Chinese delegation opted out of a visit to go to a Montana farm in order to watch hay grow and went home a little early. This caused the Dow to drop 200 points. All the markets joined in a synchronized dive. Is there anyone in the market with an intellectual age of greater than 17 (perhaps an inebriated 17).

  14. Trump ends the trade war and democrats still find a way to slam trump.
    Democratic leaders and presidential hopefuls have been speaking out against China but democrats are too blind to see 2 feet in front of their own faces.

  15. I have all but stopped buying from Amazon. It aggravates me to no end that they have not paid anything towards taxes for years. I’m not giving them any more of my hard-earned $$ until they start paying their fair share

  16. So much wrong with what this guy is saying. Stop pretending you are trying to make it better for the consumer! This is just giving permissions to the government to dictate the marketplace and put more taxes on companies like Amazon. I buy from Amazon because it is good, cheap, quick, no tax and easy to return. Amazon is too good for the people and owns the Washington post that is the problem Trump has with it.

  17. I can't afford his products. A zip up hoodie costs 108.00 U.S. dollars. I just bought two zip up Haynes fleece hoodies for 28.00. Who is your market geared toward? Way too much for the common man.

  18. I agree that we need to buy more US made goods.  We have to also recognize that the world is now global, and some things are made in other countries.  You don’t punish the US citizen when they just need a toaster.

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