史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)关于中美贸易战:“我们有所有的准备”

前白宫首席战略家史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)是特朗普总统许多“美国优先”政策的架构师,他与“史华克盒子”(Squawk Box)一起讨论美中贸易谈判的最新消息。 。

  1. I am not white, I hate Bannon. But Bannon is 100% right on China. China's economic rise is reviving global authoritarianism, we must protect American leadership whatever it takes, though Bannon's far-right policies are hurting the liberal foundation of America. The resilience of American institutional strength can heal the wound, the rise of China seemed out of hand but Bannon showed how to pull the plug.

  2. Steve Bannon cant Google ISRAEL CHINA TECHNOLOGY. China is enemy number one for America. But Americas greatest allie is DEEP in bed with China. How does this work? Israel brags it is almost as big as the US tech wise. How? because it is stealing US technology non stop and Bannon is to gutless to state the elephant in the living room.

  3. 75% of cheap imported stuff from China is rubbish and not required and a complete waste of hard earned money. The products barely last 6 months before developing some kind of fault and that's if you are lucky.

  4. Someone who has all the cards will never tell others they have all the cards. This guy is either stupid or lying.

  5. Is there America town in China? If so, r they this nasty to Chinese? If u go to China town in LA, they treat u like a pariah , soo nasty & weird…Is there America town in Korea? Is there little America in Armenia? Do Americans in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia,…get funds from those governments to build churches/synagogues in those countries? R there Americans in Somalian congress? Do Americans go to other countries & burn those countries flags? Do American doctors go to Russia & rob their insurance companies blind?

  6. Just look how many cabinet members Trump has fired so far, in Chinese we call it "临阵换将“—-in the frontline of the battle field, you change your generals, firing the air force commander, replacing the navy commander –a sign that the commander in chief just did not prepare the war well. It must be that the US underestimated what China could do to fight back, just like US did in the Korean War. LOL

  7. Why don’t you use the card yet? Trade war has been 2yrs already . Somebody said it’s easy to win !!! Stop all the lying

  8. Except the card that says we have elections every four years and their leader is for life. Small business owners are almost all not voting for trump as these tariffs are crushing us. Farmers are ready to jump ship so… keep thinking we have it in the bag and being prideful and xi will wait it out and negotiate start of 2021 with a new administration.

  9. US federal debt increased by 3 trillion since trump took office. European countries like Germany facing a recession as they lower their interest rates to negative value to promote consumer spending. The chances of US having a recession according to many Western experts is really high if they do not have a trade deal with China.

    China has more than 3 trillion dollars in foreign reserves. If they are losing badly and needed to stimulate the economy, China can use its RESERVES. But truth is they do not need to use the money yet.

    If trade wars are easy to win, why don't just crush China? Why did Trump need to LIE about his phone call with the Chinese during G7 summit?? Lol

  10. CHINA GREW 7 PERCENT , BUILDING 136 MEGA PROJECTS, CREATING AN ADDITIONAL $ 4 TRILLION IN JUST 2 YEARS , USA HAS ZERO PROJECTS , US NATIONAL DEBT WILL SOAR AND HIT $30 TRILLION BY 2023 …. LOOK IT UP PEOPLE ! BANNON IS A CLOWN … GM going Bankrupt made worse by trade war , agriculture sectors destroyed by tarriff, Trump using more burrowing to make America Great????

  11. I told u terrorists attackers Steve Bannon stop sniffing drugs talking retarded too much propaganda anti China
    Steve Bannon looking for Pompeo job then or what ??

    China Russia is only country in the planet earth ? respected as real country no other nations can bully my friend
    China is not USA enemy !!!

    China is not a country push over done deal !!
    China intelligent nation unstoppable no backwards for China
    Stop ur propaganda anti China !!

    CCP protects China forever no nations can bully bro ???

  12. yeah you have all the pip cards (non face cards) lol and that's why china is winning lol, Bannon needs to find a four leaf clover and eat his lucky charms cereal (they're always after me lucky charms) because he doesn't know what the f*ck is happening!!

  13. Well if that's really true its good news,China to dominate everything is not a good thing because they can easily harassed her neighboring country.U.S. countering there action in SCS and trade war are both good move..

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