

2)由总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)领导的耶路撒冷安全内阁一致批准建立对以色列外国投资的监督机制。
3)总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)透露,尽管保证限制安卡拉对付其安全区中的库尔德民兵的军事行动,但无论他身在何处,每一个最后的恐怖分子都将被清除。


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  1. Thank you Jonathan and TV7! God bless you all!!! Thanks for all that you do and for your professional, honest and good reporting! I pray for everyone at TV7 regularly. We also pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the peace of Israel, and also for the salvation of Israel too.

  2. Time is going to run out Israeel, better 4 you to realize the truth quickly that none of ur sanction will work to stop Iran, stop ur illegal agression,stop killing innocent children in Palestine otherwise ur illegal land will be beautiful graveyards which will be remember by u until the destruction of this world

  3. You sick Turkey president! For how long you misled your people and the world! Your. Nune stopped murder will be stopped by the people of Kudikstan & who doesn't accept your unacceptable behaiver! The way you want your people to have Peace, Kurdish people deserve too!!! The time is near, your power will be taken & given to someone else & you will be forgotten as a person, as citizen, you are not going to be Berry instead your bones and flesh will be eaten by ? People like you will try to find your grave, but they can't, because you don't have one!:

  4. If you control the sea and air and have satellites you can see the smuggling? Wheres the footage? You are all liars! All you do is lie. The curse of Allah be upon you and may you collase be destroyed andsubject to captivity, Ameen! Sunni Shia UNITE. there is no God Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.
    The Jewish brother Steve Ben Nun is more respectful and honest than you Zionist. I may not agree with all he says, but he exposes your Satanic hearts!

  5. Israel at the tip of my foot What could be the danger from Iran that does nothing? She is an example, she should be filled like You guys stop propaganda Speak of Iran as a favorite Country want Peace in the field And you guys have spoiled the whole world Both India and Israel are the origin of the horror and terrest in the world We all know Your little messiah dajjal is about to arrive You guys are all kafirs Finally you will die and go to hell

    And we will win in the world

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