第971天:特朗普面对伊朗紧张局势,贸易战的后果,呼吁对枪支采取行动| 11小时| MSNBC


MSNBC提供重大新闻,对政治头条的深入分析以及评论和见多识广的观点。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日见面会,Ari Melber的节奏,Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace,Hardball,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等内容中查找视频片段和片段。


第971天:特朗普面对伊朗紧张局势,贸易战的后果,呼吁对枪支采取行动| 11小时| MSNBC。

  1. The U.S. has been at war, every since its conception!!! The U.S. government is always starting wars!!! It provokes wars!!! And lies about the reasons for invading sovereign countries!!!

  2. A deal with china before the election or after? That"s more than a year away! He has no plans at all! Ping has him by the balls! More lies!

  3. Mike Pence never does anything but mimic Trump It kinda makes you sick. Mr. Trump do something to help homelessness in this country , do something for gun control, do something on climate change, DO something other then pad your pockets with tax payer dollars and blame dems because you cant do the job you defrauded your way into. Your a phoney and s criminal do America a favor and resign were sick of your corrupt nonsense.

  4. Nancy Pelosi still does not fully grasp that the Trump Crisis is here and now. History tells us that trump will attempt to delegitimize any unflattering poll results, discredit any unflattering news coverage, and do everything he can to make sure that his 40-Percenters stay ginned up and delusional. History also tells us that the Republican Party will follow right along, not just because he's Trump, but because voter suppression and delegitimizing inconvenient election results has been the party's M.O. at least since the Watergate midterms of 1974.

    They successfully delegitimized hand recounts and the clear provisions of Florida law in 2000, and the Supreme Court chimed in to help them. The architecture for trump to discredit the 2020 numbers already is in place. It's part and parcel of three decades of Republican conservatives and their attempt to delegitimize the franchise of people who don't vote for them because their policies are perceived to be cruel and stupid.

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    Watch "Donald Trump: White Nationalist Terrorism Denier" 
    on YouTube


    A Court Blocked Trump’s Bid To Weaken Unions. The White House Found Another Way.

    With a hand from political appointees, agencies are chipping away at federal union contracts at the bargaining table.

    The White House has also pursued federal pay freezes, a record-setting government shutdown and job cuts through attrition, all of which have led some workers to look for the door.


    Trump administration has triggered soaring health care costs: top industry exec


    FEC Hits Trump With 233 Pages Of Prohibited Contributions

    Trump is doing his best Nixon slush fund impression as the FEC has hit trump with 233 pages of campaign contributions that are prohibited, excessive, and impermissible.

    Trump views campaign contributions as “his” money

    Read FEC’s letter to the Trump campaign:


    Ex-Ethics Chief Tweets Very Long List Of Bad Signs From Donald Trump’s Presidency

    Walter Shaub urged Americans not to “underestimate the threat to our republic from within” with his lengthy Twitter thread.


  5. GOP House Speaker Admits Benghazi Investigation Was ‘Strategy’ To Harm Clinton

    Watch "Kevin McCarthy: Benghazi Committee Tanked Hillary's Poll Numbers" on YouTube


    On September 29, 2015, Rep. McCarthy, the number two man in the House Republican caucus, bragged live on-air that the Republicans' Benghazi investigation was a political, partisan attack designed to derail Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy.

  6. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in 2016 Said He Thinks Putin Pays Trump. Paul Ryan Swore Group to Secrecy.

    Watch "The 2016 conversation Paul Ryan wanted to keep private" on YouTube


    Just one month before Donald Trump officially became the Republican Party's nominee for president, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and other Republicans were speaking about Russia and the Ukraine. Rep. McCarthy told the group, "There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump," referring to California GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, and Donald Trump. Rohrabacher is a far right wing extremist.

  7. Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal

    Israeli agency told to find incriminating material on Obama diplomats who negotiated deal with Tehran

    Sources said that officials linked to Trump’s team contacted investigators days after Trump visited Tel Aviv a year ago, his first foreign tour as US president. Trump promised Netanyahu that Iran would never have nuclear weapons and suggested that the Iranians thought they could “do what they want” since negotiating the nuclear deal in 2015. A source with details of the “dirty tricks campaign” said: “The idea was that people acting for Trump would discredit those who were pivotal in selling the deal, making it easier to pull out of it.”


    Watch "US Vice President Pence urges EU to withdraw from Iran nuclear dea | DW News" on YouTube


    Watch "?? ?? Middle East conference: Pence urges EU to quit Iran nuclear deal l Al Jazeera English" on YouTube


  8. In a video clip aired by Israeli television, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted that Israel was responsible for US President Donald Trump’s decision to quit the Iran nuclear deal.

    “We convinced the US president to exit the deal and I had to stand up against the whole world and come out against this agreement,” Netanyahu says in the video. “And we didn’t give up.”


  9. In 2001 Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who characterized the 9/11 attacks on America as “good” for Israel, stated, “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in our way.

    Source: Washington Report

  10. A nationalist streak runs through Putin’s love for Jews and Israel


    Watch "U.S. Withdrawal from Human Rights Council “Imminent” After U.N. Condemns Israel for Gaza Massacre" on YouTube


    Watch "Ivanka Trump visits Israel to scout property prospects" on YouTube



    Watch "Donald Trump's daughter looks for business in Israel" on YouTube


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    For Kushner, Israel Policy May Be Shaped by the Personal…


    Watch "Ivanka Trump Arrives in Israel Ahead of US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem" on YouTube


  11. Trump defended his phone call congratulating Putin for his victory in an election that monitors said had been rigged. He said the U.S. and Russia should cooperate on terrorism, Iran, North Korea and Syria.

    “The notion that the Russians can help us with terrorism I think is delusional,” Bolton said in his speech at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School.

    Russian meddling was an 'act of war':
    “Attempting to undermine America’s constitution is far more than just a quotidian covert operation. It is in fact a casus belli, a true act of war, and one Washington will never tolerate,” Bolton said.

  12. I thought Cruise Missiles are American missiles how did Iran get them. First, it was a drone attack now cruise missiles is this another Tonkin Incident to try and make war.

  13. Why in God's name do Trump and Pence keep talking about locked and loaded if they do not war with Iran. And, really? Trump is waiting on saudi arabia to tell him when to proceed with attacking Iran. So, Trump doesn't want the money to stop coming from the arms he sells to saudi arabia. That's it. We don't want a war, for something that didn't even happen in the U.S. let arabia and Iran work it out.

  14. Saudi needs Oil prices to rise, what better way to increase oil prices than pretending to destroy a refinery and then blame it on your enemy. I call BS. The Middle east has been at war with each other for more than 1000 years. They can go F** themselves

  15. Yeah of course china would prefer to deal with somebody who is not going to question them and let them get away with whatever they want.
    As an American I'm willing to suffer to cripple china
    We should block all imports from China and instruct all NATO allies to do the same
    We should seize all land owned by Chinese Nationals

    What is with the left love affair with China? They are a communist country
    That turns a blind eye to child slave labor
    They are responsible for more carbon emissions than any other Nation on the planet along with India again I ask what's with the love affair?

  16. Did i just hear that correctly… Did Trump just tell American voters that he will hold up a resolution in the trade war with China until he is the confirmed winner of the 2020 election???… so now it's just flat out extortion?

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