


  1. The most feared country on Earth? For whom, the Americans? I as a European fear Saudi Arabia, US closest ally whose ideology breeds al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Jihad and the rest.

  2. im willing to fight for iran. but not for a iran that shoots its own civilians, not a iran where people dont have rights, im not fighting for a iran like this.

  3. A regime who has killed at least 300 protester within 2 days must be stooped by any means not only sanction. UN nation and other countries who are deaf and blind to this massacre today will be questioned someday.

  4. The country The nation The people which will be never surrender to any aggressor and enemy in world long live islamic republic of iran from Pakistan ❤

  5. TRT is a Zionist Turkish fake news by dictator radical Islamist Erdogan who kills Christians for Jewish globalist interests. Google the Jewish Young Turks.

    Erdogan murdered journalist Serena Shim for exposing how ISIS steal Syrian/Iraqi oil and sell it to Erdogan's son shipping company (via Kurdish Barzani-tribal dictatorship in northern Iraq) and then Erdogan's son ships it's from Turkey to Israel

  6. Iran is not expensive under Sancation iranians are happy to their today while America has propagated against iran It's not fault of Iran it's fault of American Govt himself keep nuclear weapons while he couldn't allowed to Iran it's make sense

  7. Feared Countries in the World?? WTF?? Could you get MORE Propaganda Swill than that?
    Just got back from the Joint and it's Rocking. Iran has got the whole Program Sorted.
    Minimal crime , trustworthy People , cheap , fantastic clean fresh foods. The Idiots that produced this crap are State Paid Loons. The Joint is safer than a Cruise Ship.

  8. Watch the most forbidden documentary ever published in history and banned from youtube in its entirety: "Europa The Last Battle" at archive-dot-org. The victors write the history

  9. The world knows what was written on the missles being tested.. The facts remain Iran wants to destroy and remove Israel off the map…this is their intention, nuclear weapons is part of their agenda as a terrorist nation.

  10. By taking another countries Embassy this is an act of war, a war that Iran ?? will pay for in lives and wealth, but we all know only the poor will pay. The wealthy want pay because they have freedom to go abroad to get anything that they need. Just look ? at the expensive cars ? and clothing.

  11. How do you isolate a people who has neighbors on all sides and an Ocean ? in front of them, you can’t unless they have made their neighbor’s their enemies. The relationship with their neighbors are overwhelmingly hostile.

  12. Why don't they simply agree to trading oil in US dollars?? Everyone else is doing it and doing fairly good. Or do you think that Iranian refusal is the force keeping America dealing somewhat fairly with all other countries?

  13. Many Americans are sick of paying their enemies to be nice. Obama had a pallet of cash delivered in the dark of night! Did the people of Iran see that money? Did they use it for food or medicine? No, Mullahs line their pockets. NO more! The people of Iran must stand up and continue the fight! Long live the good people of Iran.

  14. ??Aww poor Iran. Make no mistake if Iran becomes a nuclear ☢️ power the WHOLE world ? is at risk! ??☢️ ? ? ☢️ ??. USA USA USA ?? ?? ??

  15. Good people, but when religion rules the country it is worse than Uganda (Eddy Amin). When you go to the Mosque to serve your G_d and it becomes a political event, then something is majorly wrong. It makes you wonder if the imam are holding out his hand for favours.
    It's a sad case.

  16. WTH TRT! What was that intro? The rest also was so dark! I'm Iranian. We have problems yes, but who has not? Exaggerating the matter this much, makes me feel Turkey (TRT) goes sometimes the same way as Israelis go!

  17. 99.9% of the Iranian people want these Mullaha and hardliner crooks gone, they have ruined the country, have stolen from the people to fill their pockets. the revolution has been the biggest disaster ever

  18. For a most "closed and journalist unfriendly nation" you managed to shoot a well rounded and connected material. Strange. Too bad you gave up on truth and objectivity.
    Iran was under US sanctions ever since early fifties. Long before "terrorism, WMD and long range rockets" but just as soon as there was oil production and Iranians wanted SOME of it for themselves. Thank you.

  19. loool this guy at 6:56 was aslo in another documentory saying he is a jew. all these are acts and videos created by intelligence agency of Iranian regime. they dont say the reason drug is not there is due to the corruption with the government. they are withholding the drugs to increase the price to get higher profit. hard liners love sanctions because they can earn alot of money. the same goes with oil price increase. (government has 70T earnings and give 30T tuman back and takes other 40T tuman for its own.)
    all Iran problem comes from its corruption and out dated political system not sanctions. sanctions are secondary factors in current situation. it makes it at least hard for them to hire thugs to shoot at an armed protesters….

  20. They can't afford to pay the terrorist anymore so they're going to make the Iranian people pay for the terrorist now

  21. Just take a look at muslim countries and their "religion…so called"! They renigged on the ridiculous deal Obama made with them..and where did the 300 billion go..not to the citizens..wake up people of Iran..the leaders..took the $ for themselves!

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