
9月16日-罗森布拉特证券董事总经理张军讨论了中美之间华为技术有限公司的前景。贸易战。他在“彭博黎明(Bloomberg Daybreak:Australia)”上与彭博社的保罗·艾伦和泰勒·里格斯交谈。

  1. I'd rather buy a 5 year old Huawei smartphone than a brand new apple product.
    Why? Because it's fucking better.
    So yeah go China. Nuke the shit out of usa.

  2. LMAO! Huawei has the worst reputation for piracy, intellectual property theft and patent infringement dating back 20 years.
    That's how they've been able to get ahead of the competition by stealing all inovation from companies that were not willing to share it with Huawei willingly.
    NOT to mention setting up shell companies in order to evade UN sanctions in countries like North Korea & Iran, Huawei is virtually a "crime organization" funded by the CCP and it's CEO more like a "global crime boss".

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