
现在,在本版威尔逊中心中,我们的客人是基辛格研究所(Kissinger Institute)的罗伯特·戴利(Robert Daly),他提供了来自中国的最新动态的最新信息。他讨论的议题包括贸易战中持续的紧张局势,香港的抗议活动以及中国“一带一路”倡议实施六年后的状况。

威尔逊中心驻中国和美国中心主任罗伯特·戴利(Robert Daly)编撰了一份不同寻常的高级工作档案:他曾在北京担任美国外交官;作为中美领导人的翻译,包括卡特总统和基辛格国务卿;在约翰·霍普金斯大学,锡拉丘兹大学和马里兰大学担任中国项目负责人;并担任《芝麻街》中文版的制作人。他已被东西方视为中美关系的主要权威,他已在国会作证,并在两国进行广泛演讲,并定期为顶尖媒体提供分析。

John Milewski是Wilson Center NOW的执行制作人兼执行编辑,同时还是Wilson Center ON DEMAND数字编程的主管。 。

  1. Very interesting! If trade deals happen without SMART aims specific measurable achievable realistic time bound, it's bad bad for Chinese people and the democratic societies. Communist party needs to change for the better. If Nazi party was allowed to prosper then how would world look now! Is communist party as bad or worse than NAZI party. Its looking ominous Are the Elites of businesses are doing the same with communist party as they did during the Nazi period before the world war two? Sad sad sad

  2. George Galloway in one of his latest video stated that the US wanted to use Al Qaeda to attack China, especially in Xinjiang. But instead, Al Qaeda turned on the US. And 9/11 happened. The US plays a dangerous game and makes insidious plans using Islamic Terrorism to undermine other countries making it a state sponsor of terrorism so the Almighty turns His wrath on this country with false democracy and false Gods. Like 9/11, we wonder what the Almighty will have in store for the US abomination? It wouldn't be pretty. LOL

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