伊朗IRGC情报局拘留了Rouhollah Zam“ Amad News”网络并转移

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伊朗情报局在“ Dodenews”网站的网络上拘留了Rouhollah Zam,并将其转移到该国

伊朗IRGC情报局拘留了Roumedah Zam为“ Amed新闻”网站的负责人,并将其转移到该国。

  1. Iran should convict him and after his conviction, Khameini should release him and let him go, just to prove him wrong, even if he would still have a desire to talk bad about the person who made sure, he didnt had to spent 20,30,40 yrs in jail.

    By AbdAllah

    Macron will be silenced, Trump so happy that he will lift up all sanctions for some months, giving Iran-USA talks a chance.

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