
铝和钢铁成本的上涨以及农作物的较低价格(主要归功于关税),迫使许多美国农民推迟购买大型昂贵的设备。 VOA的凯恩·法拉博(Kane Farabaugh)在伊利诺伊州迪凯特市今年的农业进步展览会上报告说,农民们想要使用最新技术的新设备,但他们却难以负担得起,并遇到了从银行获得贷款的障碍。

  1. Being a real farmer, if you can't pay cash for the equipment you purchase then you shouldn't be purchasing anything! The older equipment is better made and cheaper to repair and the newer equipment is for the most part a bunch of overpriced, high-tech, failure prone shit! Even before the tariffs, the farmers weren't making enough because BIG CORPORATIONS with the assistance of BIG GOVERNMENT has been allowing the commodity prices to be illegally manipulated hence most farmers in America are highly in debt! Here's some advice, never ever operate at a loss. If you can't operate in the black or break even then sell out and get a regular job because its not worth losing your land to the bank/government. At least then you can always hobby farm if you want rather than losing everything you own to these land grabbing vultures!

  2. So to be clear, Trump increased the cost of your equipment AND reduced the price of your crops. But on the bright side, you got a red hat and got to see brown kids put in cages!

  3. How's all the winning working out in the agriculture sector? 'Hands off our markets evil government!' You get what you vote for, winners. Enjoy the billionaire orange man and his free welfare for farmers.

  4. The farmers have to thank Chosen Stupid One started the trade war with China. Trump is an idiot and has no clues about international trade.

  5. Trump is putting farmers further into debt…. Soon Trump's big corporate friends will own those farmers assets when the farmers goes bankrupt….. Sad.

  6. Pure fantasy. The problem the world fails to recognize is that they are destroying land from over fertilization. Not only that, it's now well established that one acre of hydroponics can produce far more per acre and is far more profitable than conventional farming methods. Apparently according to University of Florida research, an average acre of traditionally farmed land will earn a farmer between $20,000 and $30,000 per year. An average acre of hydroponically grown crops will earn between $200,000 and $250,000 per year. If farmers seriously want to stay profitable, they need to be using the most advanced farming technology available. i.e. Closed Loop Hydroponics.

  7. Destroyed countries like Libya as example . Can't have good economy , no good economy can't offer jobs , as example , no agriculture , farming sector can't help , but in same time there much and much land , and could have good economy by working with USA in this sector ,
    Now the reason Libya in politics crisis , so who and what and when ,
    One person hafter , USA citizen , CIA agent ,
    Supported by UAE and Sudia Arabia ,
    Why to do what in the stage ,
    Then news said ah war , Isis , immigration , etc all of that come from Libya ,
    I recommend any USA citizen to look and think what trump is doing is against USA interest ,
    Just afew months and we will see.

  8. She's using tractors older than her, and it's Trump's fault! Was it also Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., or Obama's fault? Nope, just Trump and only Trump!

  9. It was the lack of Tariffs that damaged us and our farm. We are still recovering after going from row crop to fish and now back to row crop. It will be another 10 years before we are finished with the expense . We own our farm free and clear. For those farmers that have loans, I am not sure how they do it. Where was Trump 10 years ago? It would have saved us a lot of money and expense if Tariffs were placed on China when they imported Trash Fish and put all our Fish farms out of business. We went to Governor Huckabee and he did nothing!! I call BS to VOA blaming Trump Tariffs. Addressing Trash Imports should have been done years ago but was ignored.

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