唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump):中国损失了300万个工作机会由于贸易战




#DonaldTrump #TradeWar#Election2020





  1. Apparently they're looking at implementing a floating tariff pegged to the Yuan, so no matter how their currency is manipulated, the tariff auto adjusts, based on an economic formula so they gain absolutely nothing in terms of trade advantage, by currency manipulation. It's a no win for them. As a result, the US is in a stronger position than ever. The west should stop importing crap from China and bring the jobs home. The way things are currently heading, the west is fueling its own demise and historical irrelevance.

  2. Trump is a conman, he plugs numbers from the air and if you compile his many speeches, you will be absolutely convinced he is a liar. I hope China quickly deploy one of the AI fact checker technology to debunk the greatest conman of the century.

  3. Sadly to say but America nowadays only has a few things they make international profit, Soy beans is the biggest profit maker. There is only one big buyer of Soybeans, China. Guess who will win a trade war.

  4. I will ask the President," What has you done for US for the last 2 years? What are the positive results? Any infrastructure upgrade? Any Health care programs? Any reduction in deaths relating to gun misuse. I heard US 's death cause by firearms is on average 30000 every yr. And the Americans doesn't care. Atrocious.

  5. Wish India has a leader like trump atleast he promise what he does . Our prime minister says a lot and delivers nothing . He is just busy travelling and posting picture of god’s . Trump is the best Man of his words

  6. At the end the song played is 'You can't always get what you want', well Humpty Dumpty guess what, be very careful you don't fall off that wall.

  7. I hope nobody likes Apple Corporation projects, because the child labor will be ended, and there is nowhere to go that they can hide their taxes. So no corporations are coming back to the United States. If anybody actually reads between the lines, socialism is not communism. Anybody get a history lesson yet? Everybody who uses anything with the farm subsidies and other subsidies is on federally funded welfare. Our entire population is welfare Queens.

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