










整个团队都来自TR.NEWS,非常感谢。 。

  1. Let the whole world witness how ignore most mainland people are.

  2. I cant with these mainland ppl like why r u keep saying that you’re against the Hong Kong protest when you don’t even know wtf are they protesting about

  3. You are actually bullying these people because you are fluent in English but they are not. Seems like you have already had your own opinion, and you interviewed these people with your biased opinion, which will only come to a biased result. This is not how interviewing works. Shame on you for introducing more conflicts between mainland Chinese and HK people.

  4. 真的笑死外國人 笑死我啦。

  5. Chế độ CỘNG SẢN china VÔ LƯƠNG tàn độc mổ cắp NỘI TẠNG chính người dân China ác hơn QUỶ DỮ chắc chắn sụp đổ bởi người dân Hongkong +Taiwan +Vietnam +Japan+Singapore +Philipin +1tỷ 3trăm triệu dân China yêu TỰ DO DÂN CHỦ cùng Mỹ và các nước đồng minh Anh Pháp Nhật Hàn Ấn Độ Canada philippin Đài Loan "nội công ngoại kích" đánh chết mẹ thằng chó CẨU tạp CHỦNG tầu cộng Tập cẩu Bình thành CẨU TẠP NHẠP lun ok bà con..

  6. 我是生活在中国大陆的一个普通人,出国前既不喜欢中国共产党,也不讨厌中国共产党,但我爱我的国家。出国后,看到很多关于中国的新闻,褒贬不一,但贬低的更多,认为中国人没有言论自由,选举自由,没有所谓的人权。在这点上,我们扪心自问,中国确确实实没有西方国家做得好。我个人确实也认为现在我的国家有做得不好的地方。可是大家也要想一想,当年八国联军侵华,鸦片战争,甲午中日战争赔了多少真金白银,割了多少块地,后面全面抗日战争,然后内战,前前后后百余年都在打战,从封建社会,到半殖民国家,终于于1949年建国独立,而此时的中国满目苍夷,落后贫穷,跟西方国家相差岂止百年。如今,2019,中国不再落后,不再贫穷。高楼大厦,现代建筑,如雨后春笋矗立在华夏大地,还有各种举世瞩目的超级工程。达到这个地步,中国花了70年,也仅花了70年,现在你们却要让我们跟当初领先我们百年的国家比民主比自由,我觉得很奇怪,为什么不让我们国家跟同一时期建国的国家比呢,看看他们如何,再看看我们如何。说到民主自由,除了不能选举国家领导人,在网络公共平台或者特殊公共场合辱骂国家领导人和有损国家利益的事情外,其他几乎都没问题。就像大家说的,我们都不了解五大诉求,没有资格去指手画脚。同理,大家如果不了解中国,而仅仅是通过带有政治目的或者有色眼镜有失公正的媒体来了解中国的话,那我觉得你还是真正了解后再来评论吧。对于香港的五大诉求,我不想妄加评论,但反对暴力,也希望曾经美丽民主自由的香港能够再次恢复和平。同时我再次想说:我爱中国,我为自己是中国人而自豪,此生无悔入华夏!

  7. 00:14
    The guy : they're talking about the bullshit, They're talking about the whole bullshit
    Me : your english is bullshit

  8. These are just the stupid minority group of Chinese people. Most Chinese people are not interested in politics. And most Chinese people are not happy with the CCP. But we don’t dare to say anything bad about the CcP, because we will be detained and go to jail for just petty crime against the CCP. I can say that most Chinese people are against the government in one way or another. These 50cents army are just the minority, definitely not the normal Chinese people. Most Chinese people want to have freedom of speech and don’t want to controlled by the Ccp. we don’t like the internet firewall either. We Chinese all know that China is not a free country by any means. Most of us Chinese are not stupid, we all know USA is better than China, but we don’t say it. Because we are not allowed to be against the China. Traitors like me go overseas to criticise the ccp. lol.

  9. but I really want Hong Kong to be a independents country

    fuck you chi-nazi, CCP is the worst party in the world ever !

    Hong Kong is not chi-nazi ! We will not be a part of a rubbish country

    CCP have destroyed a lot of things about China . Nowadays we don't have any country in the earth named China but have a trash , idiot place call Chi-na.

    There Country anthem said that the Chinese people can't be a slaves but now we have saw over a billion people still to be a slaves and they think they aren't slaves

  10. It's a completely different mindset when you grow up under any particular type of government or culture/religion. It's VERY hard to get away from it…to step back and put aside everything you think is 'right', 'correct' or 'moral'…and look at the situation from the other side (or any other side, actually). It's the same with people who leave virtually any of the major religions out there. Just go search for "mulsim leaves islam", or "mormon leaves faith", or "jehovas witness becomes atheist". All the same: they are IMMEDIATELY ostracized and kicked out of anything and everything they knew. Doesn't matter if it's just a church, or if it's your entire family and everyone in your country.
    I think the same thing is going on here. Add in the whole "social credit system" that China has implemented, and, well, EVERYONE who still lives in China or has family members there will do and say anything to 'please the Chinese social engineers'. You take those same people…and make them anonymous with no chance of anyone finding out their true identity? I GUARANTEE you would have VASTLY different attitudes and comments…maybe not full on pro-HK, but definitely not anything near the amount of vitriol we see here.

  11. China is basically 1 Country 2 system. Everything is still owned by China, China is 1. Hong Kong is a territory basically like an Autonomous Republic having a democracy just like Macau but everything is still owned by CHINA. I get the picture now ?. Hong Kong just fear that you can be executed if you are extradited to the mainland and they don’t want that.

  12. Don't try to pull them out of Marxist' hole. Let the CCP screws up their entire society and let them live in the shit hole, this is what they wanted.

  13. I remember when they got the army to drive tanks over all them people in tiananmen square killing countless people when they had a peaceful protest and sent countless numbers of people to to jail never to be seen again and they are still telling the Chinese people it never happened lol oh yes it did and they are still sending countless numbers of people to jail for speaking about government Chinese people live in fear of the government that's the truth

  14. try to ask the Chinese say Xi Jing Pin looks like Winnie the Pooh when you see them again,
    if they consist they have freedom

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