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大家好!如果您是2019年的亚马逊卖家,您可能知道有关美国和中国之间当前发生的塔德战争。唐纳德·特朗普总统对进口商品征收新的关税。也许您想知道这如何影响您的亚马逊业务。我制作了这个视频来澄清这一点。请随时在下面的评论部分中问我任何问题,我将尽可能多地回复我。如果有帮助,请与您的亚马逊卖家分享该视频。感谢收看! ?




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#tradewar #amazonfbatariffs #amazonfbatradewar .

  1. Make your products in the u.s.a. and you wont have problems.
    Dont assume people are stupid as to how things taxes work.
    That being said, we as americans need to take our work back from china.
    You may pay a little extra by purchasing american made products, but you Will GET A BETTER PRODUCT.
    Remember what the ccp dose to there own people, and by purchasing from them, you are part of the problem
    I do wish you luck, take care of your own first, and it will all work out
    The ccp has been screwing us for a long, long time, dont be part of it please.

  2. Hi,
    You provide good information to with regard to putting the import tarriff in perspective.
    However your figures on your profit are incorrect. You said you get 30% to 70% profit. You then gave an example of an item that you buy for $8 and sell for $60. This is a profit of 857%. Good for you to make your profits and good for America that the tarriff becomes virtually insignificant. I think your tarriffs are necessary to protect your country from the cunning and deceptive Chinese Communist Party. I'm glad to see your president taking steps to protect democracy even though it would be easier for him to do what gives him short term popularity.

  3. Thank you for this and all other videos you have done. I'm just beginning and really need all the info I can get. What do do think of Viral Launch Product Discovery? Do
    you utilize this software tool as well?

  4. I needed this video today. I've been negotiating with a Chinese manufacture for the last few days, margins aren't the best and they won't lower their MOQ, to top off the tariffs, they're crazy. I'm currently using jungle scout and totally forgot about filtering out China. Thanks!

  5. China number ONE from now and beyond this generation the USA fall is now a fact , its dependence to oil sticked the usa to the XX century loosibg tone of opportinities to build a better world, develope the whole continent and add value. While Usa was making wars China was building the future. In movies america save the world that makes me laught, America can ' t save itsef. Sorry people your destiny is to become the new europe, dividided ant too burocratic and devided to overcome the new Empire

  6. Hi Tatiana!
    Ty for always sharing useful info <3
    SO Is the Import tax added to our merchandise fee when paying manufacturers through ali baba?
    I want to know when that tax is applied and paid, can u help clarify for me please?

  7. when do you normally see the tarrif? i just had DDP shipping from my supplier in china, and i wasnt sure if they accounted for this in the shipping price or if i will have to pay as it crosses into the U.S.?

  8. Good day Tatiana
    Thank you so much for sharing with us. Love your videos.

    I have a question about ASM, does the course teach you how to select the product? I have too much dilemma about choosing the product that I want to sell.
    And if it also teaches you how to open an selling account from foreign country?

    Thank you.

  9. Hi Tatiana, thanks for your great videos! When do you pay the Tax Tarrifs? I mean, which moment of the hole process you will be charged this Tarrif? Can I buy from Alibaba without owing a company? Thanks once again for your help!

  10. Hello I have a question . I'm sure building a brand is more profitable however isn't the cost more which I'm sure it is ? But say if your just getting started and your really not familiar with all the process . Should just start selling top niche for now to get a feel of it ..or should we just start a brand right away ? Thank you ..

  11. Mam you are doing a fabulous job…thank you for all the information you provide through your channel.
    I have to start Amazon FBA business, is this the right time to start business now considering the trade war between china and USA…?

  12. Thx for your information. Is Trump going to raise the tariff to 30%? Do different products have different percentage of tariff? quite confused

  13. Tatiana
    You give me a good vibe. I know there are another Amazon training programs but definitely I feel you are the right person for me to start this Amazon business.
    Right now I am paying my credit card 's debt ,that is why I can not start right now. But I will get your program next year 2020 probably on April.

    Thanks for your videos . I am subscribed already and I already liked your videos.

  14. When you mentioned what product you preferred to sell I totally was on your wavelength relating. I’ve been working hard searching for products & there are so many opportunities but the product really needs to be aligned with our own hearts. It’s more than just a trinket, it’s something we’ll have to see daily, reorder, keep competition scratching their heads how to compete, etc. I was looking at products with great numbers but had no passion for them; I was like yeh but, I don’t give a d*mn about kitchen scales. Is that my legacy, the kitchen scale dude? The more you love your own line that is backed by strong sales data the better off everyone is. Love your sharing & community, so beautiful & awesome ❤️

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