Raspberry Pi TOR / VPN路由器

使用您自己的便携式WiFi VPN / TOR路由器安全地上网。您可以使用Linux和一些其他软件配置Raspberry Pi,以连接到您选择的VPN服务器。


  1. Hello there, seems like you are an expert in this internet network category, i was wondering if you happen to know about- How to change the name of a ISP which always shows up at the time of speedtest. I have explored it on the internet couldn't find anything usefull. So is it possible to input a Ethernet cable coming from Broadband Router (ISP) into a computer and with the help of a external Lan Adapter we can output the Internet feed with altered ISP name??????? please reaply if you know anything about that.
    Gmail- Gagandeep920d@gmail.com

  2. I would concur with the "waste of time" sentiment. I have watched it twice to make sure that I didn't miss anything, and I still have no idea what the video was all about.

  3. Does anybody know how to combine a DNS proxy
    prepaid VPN clients such as ghosts or suggest something better. And maybe add tour for an extra layer security but somehow tweak it for Speed. Wrt? Tomato? Nighthawk router

  4. If you plan on using this long-term, or if you need to save space on your SD card, you can just download the 'Lite' release of your version of Raspbian. It comes out-of-the-box without any GUI or other graphical interfaces so you won't have to bother with those 😀

  5. What about Tor using dynamic virtual routers/switches as "build and forget" mechanism similar to virtual machines for users security and browsing of the Internet. I'm concern in connection for decentralized internet infrastructure as a proposed solution to net neutrality – if you own your own Internet infrastructure to transmit your data and recieve, your data should be your own and you don't have to pay a digital toll high speed fee. So as to not be in the hands of corporate or government.

  6. So uh, how do I get the pi to automatically connect to a public wifi spot like a coffee shop?
    I mean why else would you be using this other than protecting yourself against un-trusted wifi spots.

  7. The tor router is crap because you're going through it twice, making it redundant to have because if they really wanted to track you down, they would have used Correlation attacks to pinpoint the entry node you connect from, and then check the IP's that connect to it.

    Why does that matter? Because if you're running this from home, they can get a warrant from your ISP to see what websites you requested. Your ISP will still see the sites you tried to visit in tor.

    The VPN is the only option I would go with, and only if you create your own VPN that is hosted on the Raspberry pi.

  8. This is like telling someone, Now we are going to build a house, Go get some wood and nails and put it al together, then cover it and install all the electrical then finish the walls then install everything else, Enjoy your new house. Total waste of my time.

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