AWS Advanced Solution Architecture通过客户网关和VPG完成VPN设置-实验1

了解如何在本地和AWS VPC终端节点之间正确设置IPSEC VPN连接。只需几分钟,即可扩展或迁移您的办公室/数据中心! 。

  1. Thanks for the tutorial, i'm little bit confused here in data center. Can we use another EC2 instance ip address and CIDR in the CGW or we need a separate remote data center for this?

  2. Many thanks .This is the first video , I saw setting from on-premises side . Can you tell what software you are using on ubuntu machine .I would like to replicate this in my home lab .

  3. Very good video, but you should really work on your talking skills. For example, there is really no need to explain 10 times what you are trying to do (at the beginning of the video). Its all the same thing you say over and over in different words. Just take this content and shrink the video to, say 10 minutes (cutting off all the unnecessary harping) and it would be much more productive and useful.

  4. Good explanation, the only thing it would have been nicer was if you showed what instance you used for simulating the data center switch and also how you setup the static routing and security groups. I'm trying to do the same with OpenVpn Server on the data center side but I'm not able to ping the AWS private side even though the Tunnel is Up.

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