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  1. I know this is a very old video at this point, but It would be really nice to get more info around how FAST pfSense router actually is. I have ExpressVPN and run their custom version of OpenWRT which allows me to do something similar with an off-the-shelf Linksys router. The only problem is that when the VPN is connected it is SLOW. I have Gigabit internet, but get wired ethernet speeds under 50 Mbps! AES-256 encryption is just way too much for a consumer router I guess? If I got a dedicated pfSense router, would it be much faster, or could I just end up with essentially the same speeds because the connection is only going to be as fast as my VPN service?

  2. Any plans for the follow up on how to only pass some traffic over the VPN ?
    That was cool but show me how to do some cool shit with the VPN/pfSense … ? Thanks for all your content !

  3. When you were speaking about a secure computer that you use for banking, your exact words were " running a really secure version of Linux " What version(s) would you consider to be the most secure. This is a top is re-visit over and over. I know Tails is really good for security and I liked MOFO Linux which seemed secure and aesthetically pleasing. If you could make some suggestions I value your opinion.

  4. How would i need to configure it if i only wanted to VPN a single interface and not my entire network? I'd like to VPN my torrenting VLAN, but not the rest of my network.

  5. Great video as usual. Please could you make a video showing how to setup (road warrior) openvpn "servers" on pfSense for both the tun and tap varieties. Although the tun (level 3) is relatively easy to setup using the wizard, tap (level 2) however is quite different. I'm finding the setup of the bridge and the associated firewall rules quite confusing.

  6. I found this very confusing with jumping around between the various VPN's. I signed up for LiquidVPN but I'm jumping back and forth in the video. What would have been better is separate videos. An intro and then complete separate setups.

  7. Do you have instructions for setting up Squid proxy?  You referenced using a proxy in this video, and the other videos I've used as instructions have all failed.  I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

  8. What purpose did creating the internal certificate serve when setting up PIA? Their instructions don't include that step and you had to enter your username and password anyways?

  9. This VPN service “fetching zonet com” (Google it) has been my choice for over Three years. This VPN service is merely awesome! I acquired an Amazon gift card and purchased 1 year subscription. All you must do is get the code on home page. 110% functions. You can easily disconnect and reconnect to a new place.

  10. Well I guess its time to do this now that I have a PFsense box setup and the fact that I have a lifetime sub to VPN-secure, sorry no affialte link for me. I was actually playing KR bless a while back and that needed a VPN, and VPN S, had a special 50 dollars for Life Time subscription, so I jumped all over that (although by lifetime they mean a 7187 days remaining, I think it was like 7250 or something when I got it. so 20 years :P.)

    It is kind of slow though, just ran a US based loc, and got 20mbs down and 10 up :(. Not bad, not even close to my net speed, but not bad I guess.

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