ISP可以看到您正在使用VPN吗? | NordVPN

此外,如果您使用的是NordVPN提供的Double VPN功能,您的ISP也将看不到最终VPN服务器的IP地址。

  1. It's my opinion that I pay the ISP specifically to create a data connection between a device in my house and an allocated node on the internet through which communication is facilitated. It is NONE of their goddamned business what resources are accessed through this communication link. They only facilitate the mechanism of communication, not the content itself nor any intention of either party exchanging the content. It's time for the corporate world to focus ONLY on provision of access and not on the nature of interactions occurring through that service. I do not believe that our justice system should allow the introduction of routing logs or any purely electronic evidence into courts because it can NEVER be proven based on that information alone whether a suspect or any human is the genesis of that information.

    When a human interacts with an application through some interface, it triggers a cascade of operations through the collective system including but not limited to the application process, the operating system, peripheral and virtual component drivers, embedded device drivers, network interface software dynamically evoked from any level of the device software hierarchy, embedded on the local hardware, and on remote devices that are part of the private ISP network and the public IP backbone. Data on a network is an aggregation of multiple tiny, imprecise voltage differentials that are changing millions of times per second, being measured over thousands of miles, and often transduced multiple times into electromagnetic waves, optical radiation, and actual energy states of electrons. The reliability of a single contextual entity in the system is so pitiful that every interaction protocol specifically generates a physical or virtual mechanism to increase the probability of identifying errors in data and these mechanisms are utilized far too often for comfort and even these mechanisms fail at a substantial rate.

    NASA uses excessive redundancy in their hardware and software systems to minimize the impact of an error in any specific subsystem and yer we've lost two space shuttles in a 30 -year span. Does an ISP use redundant systems to ensure that electronic records of electronic actions of physical devices that are so fragile that the electromagnetic radiation from a sunspot 100 million miles away can damage it and that are so automated that billions or trillions of these processes can be created from a single keypress by a human on a keyboard is reliable? If NASA with it's huge budget, technological privilege, and stifling governance can fail so considerably as to lose two of the most complex machines ever made, why should any jury believe the data stored by a device that cost a tiny fraction of the shuttle and is only required to adhere to a limited set of certain ISO, FCC, and IEEE standards is reliable enough to convict or even indict someone?

    I would require physical evidence to corroborate the electronic evidence before giving it credibility in court proceedings. As an electrical engineer, I know the plentiful shortcomings of our electrical and electronic infrastructure. We are building a house of cards on shifting sands in gale force winds. This won't end well.

  2. The isp can know that u are using a vpn just looking by the IP and comparing with the ip lists used by the VPN Company, looking by the ip auctions made by them. A tleast the content is encrypted, and can't be looked.
    Or it can run a whois on the ip, or use a ip info service and see that this domestic traffic comes from a server and it can extrapolate the thinking ot it being a vpn.

    Thats why nordvpn can show ads to their active users on yt, via google adwords, they and google adwords has the ip list.

  3. Someone hacked my WiFi and put a virus on my laptop tonight that completely crippled my computer. Definitely gonna be investing in this service. ?

  4. Is it usable on Satellite Internet (Hughesnet or Viasat)? A company I used to work for required us to use their own VPN, but the latency was so bad that the connection was practically unusable. Anyone have any experience with Nord (or any other VPN service for that matter) using satellite internet?

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