Tenta VPN浏览器-私有和加密-在有限的时间内获得2年的免费VPN!

采用Smart Incognito™技术,可保护和加密所有浏览数据,包括书签,浏览器历史记录,下载的文件,在线流量,DNS和IP地址。
简单快速。无需注册,信用卡或设置。 Tenta默认情况下会自动加密您的Web浏览数据并将其保密和匿名。

您已经使用VPN吗?没问题。 Tenta浏览器可与您的VPN一起使用,并通过加密下载的文件,书签,标签历史记录和Web通知为您提供额外的保护。 。

  1. Got introduced to a professional hacker via a comment made by someone and I can say I got my moneys worth, so if you NEED HELP LIKE I DID IN GETTING INFORMATION??? no matter the LOCATION???? then contact Matty via cyberprofessionalhacker@gmail com or instagram @westhack000 for SUCH SERVICES✅✅✅✅✅

  2. Yeah, this ad is A COMPLETE LIE! This browser id not build from ground with encryption, ISPs do not look like satelites, and most websites where you actually enter any passwords or CCs have HTTPS nowadays, so this is useless bullshit browser

  3. Alright that's real cool and all. But here's a real tuff question or two. How do YOU make money? What information do you or do you not collect? why would I not just use Tor Browser for Android? What country are you based in? How quickly will you fold to law enforcement?

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