建立一台电脑(由VPN Ads赞助)




  1. Tu dir selbst nen gefallen und schmeiß das Netzteil wieder raus. Die Ripple n Noise Werte sind schon "neu" Grenzwertig, vorallem mit so ner Grafikkarte. Das Seasonic hat gute Spannungsstabilität und gute Ripple n Noise Werte. Hol dir das wieder/schick es ein, wie auch immer. Damit hast du länger Freude an deiner Hardware. Oder noch besser, kauf nen Focus Plus Gold 550W. 10 Jahre Garantie, Semi-passiv und High End Komponenten in dem Ding.
    Ich hoffe dich erreicht das hier ^^

  2. 10:01 They put these springy things in order to properly ground the back-plate on the motherboard, by contacting the backplate surface with the external I/O metals that are also grounded.

  3. Hey! You should never place motherboards directly on top of anti-static bags!
    They protect parts from static charge by directing the charge THROUGH THE OUTSIDE OF THE BAG.
    I only recently learnt this, but you should definitely avoid it in the future.

  4. Всё ещё использую пекарню на FX-8320 & Radeon HD 7850, пока что даже не думаю обновляться; даже не менял термопасту на процессоре (не смог снять кулер — паста склеилась, наверное).

  5. I went to 4:38 …… and saw a big NO NO!

    You DO NOT put a motherboard on top of any Anti-Static bags, in fact, you should not put any exposed electronics with bare soldered joints and components onto ANY Anti-Static bag of any kind whatsoever, you're much more likely to kill your parts doing that than you would if you had just placed it onto the blanket and attached the blanket to a crocodile clip, and the other end to a earthing wire…..

    Do Not Put Any Motherboard on top of any Anti-Static bags. Just stick it on top of the cardboard box….

    Also, make sure to ALWAYS wear a anti-static wrist strap that is properly grounded.

    Please, do not do what is seen in this video, you can kill your PC components more easily than you would think.

    Love the shade being thrown at VPN providers, haha, teach them to advertise on your video. Ah…. The Irony….

  6. I recommend a second intake fan in the front to get that ~positive pressure~. My setup looks almost exactly like yours but I have 2 intakes in the front and 1 exhaust in the back. I just opened it after six months and there was no dust whatsoever inside.

  7. Hey I see you are using mi band 4. Are you using the official xiaomi mi fit app or some other alternative ones?

  8. Try overclocking the RAM to 3200MHz, most 3000MHz kits I've used can easily reach that. Also free performance is always good.

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