5G网络!它的真正意图是-难以置信! **观看并分享**



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  1. Yes beware of this technology , it's called " Voice of God technology " it send out demonic signals, theres a movie called " Cell " , in the movie a signal was sent out into the world causing people to do bad things. Satan takes what God does and he turns it into something evil. The Almighty wants His children to use their nets to bring souls to salvation, but Satan is using the net ( 5g Network ) to spread wickedness.

    Matthew 4: 18-19 "As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people."

  2. Hi All. It's good when we can come together and do what Proverbs urges us to do and that's sharpen each other, "Iron sharpeneth iron.." and Sis Kerry continues to do just that. There is one matter i would like to weigh in on. Many persons think the mark of the best is a chip but it is not. Just like Sis Kerry said, 5G is apart of the beast system, the chip also is APART of the beast system but it's not the mark. The mark of the beast is what one believes, and it is that belief that will ultimately guide our decisions in what we accept. Having accepted the chip, this is one act of several, that will identify one as having the mark of the beast, which is a belief in the beast system, the devil's system. Revelation 7:3 says "..Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. This tells us, there is also a mark of God and certainly God won't be putting a chip in our foreheads. He will be cementing His truth in our minds, as forehead is synonymous to the mind. Hand is synonymous to work, as we use our hands to work and thus make a living. Therefore, if we have God's mark (believing in God) we will be alienated from many things including work and thus we won't be able to buy and sell. Revelation 13:16-17 says "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor.. receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. The chip is not the mark of the beast, but a pat of the beastly system's operation.

  3. From what I've read so far, 5G has not been tested thoroughly, so it may not be okay for our health. Is it a coincidence that it was rolled out in Wuhan and they are probably masking its effects with this Corona-virus?? We have to be vigilant, how will it affect out vulnerable elderly, young children, those already ailing. why are they rushing it? too many questions, this is not good.

  4. 5G Technology also can be used as Military Grade Weaponry It can be used to control crowds that maybe in protest against the government by using It's ability as a laser to burn the skin & internal organs the individuals It's being used upon feel like they are on fire the only way to stop it is to get out of range of the signal that's why the towers have to be so close to each other to maintain the power necessary to function properly

  5. Uk has got led street lights with tansmitters in most cities now have a look the old ones is gone which was warm golden lights pleasent for eyes new ones cuts the eyes like sharp its horrible and nasty as wicked leaders of the world their mind is gone

  6. Mark steel knows what he is talking about he made it when he was young he knows what its all about street led lights with transmitters on top are connected with 5G

  7. 5G is a weapon attack nothing less nothing more it will give migranes cancers disease like never before its wicked to core this agenda it got nothing to do with 4G or any telecommunications at all

  8. I was surprised at the ritual of super bowl. Did not even watch more than clips. There was idolatry and the halftime show was absolutely wrong. Wondered what you thought?

  9. You are very late to the party, Kerry-Ann. We, the people, have known for a very long time before 5G was rolled out (and it IS being rolled out very slowly in the UK) is a very dangerous technology, dangerous to human health. Whether is it related to fallen angles or not, 5G tech has been used for many decades and is a MILITARY WEAPON. Today it is used to disperse crowds. The frequency gives people the sensation that their skin is burning so they run. Engineers in the US and here have blown the whistle on this new tech.
    Kerry, you are becoming really irritating now trying to link Trump with 5G. The British government, Boris, etc. have also lauded the arrival of 5G and promised it to us because it is the latest, fastest technology available. The people who are really wicked will be the millions of greedy, hungry, never satisfied, impatient customers who have heard that this tech is bad for us but who want to download their films faster, their social media, whatever, they have an insatiable thirst for speed. So they will sign up for this, no matter what the consequences.
    Want to hear less gobbledegook about this technology? Mark Steele and another gave a talk about it in Peckham, London, last week and there was an attendance of about 100. See link below. Also, sleeping people, there was an anti 5G march and protest in central London, led by Mark Steele, last weekend. So wake up sleeping beauties and stop thinking that nobody knew about this danger. The Dangers of 5G: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOUZ1XLwnX0&feature=em-uploademail P.S. 5g was first installed in the North East of England around Gateshead, where Mark Steele is, I believe. He has been in and out of court for trying to raise awareness about it. I think he won the last battle with the judge saying that people had a right to know what Mark is exposing. But be warned, the council started to cut down a lot of trees before the installation because trees obstruct 5G (it is very different from 4G and 3G, a different wave length more akin to micowave. The upshot of this is that unlike the previous technologies, 5G requires that transmitters are installed very close to your houses, so every 50 metres (I am not sure of the short distance), so on many LAMP POSTS. The plan is to install it everywhere in Ireland. Countries such as Ireland and areas such as Cornwall will be very tempted to welcome in this tech because they have poor reception which this tech is promising to end. So this will be a protest battle against our own people who want the more reliable signals and faster speeds, as well as against our governments who get a lot of money for bringing it in.

  10. Wow sister Kerry Ann what a confirmation. The Rua leads us into all truth and what you said is THRUTH! Much love and respect ❤❤

  11. I would just like to say that you should not be so hard on Donald Trump as he is God's choice for the US. I have heard from Prophets, at least more than 5 who have confirmed God is using him. Apart from that, I'm enjoying your video…still watching…thanks and God bless.

  12. 1 John 2 -27 He will teach you all things which is true. The Holy spirit is a person with a personality. Those that have him allow him to teach you.

  13. Matondo Sister kerry Ann for sharing this powerful warning. I think they have it in one of The left behind movie where a voice Was speaking to The People and The believed that it Was the voice of God. Truely we are seeing these times spoken off by prophets of old and even now. Thank u again.

  14. This is serious information that God YAH is giving his People. It is time to press closer to our heavenly father…Listen to his Prophets. 5 G is being pushed as something innocence. Because, satan is setting his master evil plan in motion. Thank YAH for your accurate prophecies . Sis daughter Kerry-Ann you came back Shaking the kingdom of darkness and exposing his wicked plans.

  15. Pray for me ? I have around 5 5g towers in my town I sadly haven't been eating the best lately (on that is my own doing?) but we also have extreme chemtrails here I've been very sick and it's been hard to breath/think straight, I can feel myself getting sicker please pray for me my family! ? love you all

  16. The heavy metals they are spraying with nanotechnology we become antennas! You need to get heavy metals out of your body! Look up Dana Ashlie video how to get rid of metals out of ur body! YT!!

  17. Powerful message Sister Kerry-Ann. The only way we will be able to discern the time of the seasons is to meditate on the Word of Yah day and night!! Yahoshua Ha' Maschiach stated in Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise Anti-Maschiach, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; in so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Walking in Holiness and Righteousness is the only way to New Jerusalem!

  18. Sis 2 yrs ago i told my family we will have to eventually get rid of our cell phones and get away from our neighborhood and get a small piece of land off grid where the 5g antenna will not be. Im looking for a family that want to buy into a piece of land with my family.

  19. Our Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth is at the door post, I saw myself singing this song last night.

    When the saints shall match to heaven, with Jesus as their leader, matching on like soldiers, yes able soldiers, singing and rejoicing …oh hear the sinners shouting…..No No had I known…..No..No…the sinners voice I hear, gone gone, they have gone, they have gone. Matching to meet the Lord above, ooh no had I known.

    Something is about to happen soonest. I also had a revelation sometime late 2019, A man called me on the phone and told me to get ready that he's coming to take me to a wedding, so in that dream, I saw myself discussing with pple and all of sudden the man came with some other person and immediately I saw him, I was like omw I am not ready yet and the man said to me, you're not ready yet? He then said to me, now go and get yourself ready and I will be at the door post waiting for you to get prepared and I left to get myself prepared. So as I was getting prepared, a friend of mine came to me and she said to me, I know that man that came to take you to a wedding. She then said, that the man died and resurrected and she said she's going to get ready and go to the wedding with us.

    So now, brothers and sisters, the wedding here is,, Jesus ( Bridegroom) coming to take the believers ( His Bride) Rapture.
    This man said, Go and get dressed and let me wait for you at the door post.( Meaning that Jesus is at the door post to take us home)..
    So everyone of us His children should get ourselves read to be found worthy when He appears in Glory to take us home. God help us all in Jesus powerful name. Amen.

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