
您好最甜蜜的盆栽今天,我将分享iPhone上的功能,如何组织手机,如何在日常工作中提高手机生产率和使用技巧,以及与手机的关系如何随着时间而变化。希望大家喜欢这个可以要求的视频。 ?

如果您想知道这是iPhone XS Max,我还没有升级到11 pro max,并且在这个问题消失之前问题不会解决,因为我意识到我不需要*最新的配件,尤其是如果当前的仍然运行良好。 🙂


[email protected]

带Ana Luisa的我们的新珠宝系列


➊ [1:09] 请勿打扰模式
➋ [2:14] 通知事项
➌ [3:15] 将手机正面朝下
➍ [3:41] 我的iPhone上有什么
➎ [8:16] 我与手机的关系如何改变


read我们阅读的主要文字是《转法轮》 * http://bit.ly/2t48xJP


➫我的朋友克里斯(Chris Un)在《中国未经审查》上拍了一段非常有用的视频,内容是关于什么是法轮大法及其在中国遭到迫害的原因(YT视频):http://bit.ly/2CR9yZQ


B AirBnB:获得40美元的旅行积分https://airbnb.com/c/rtsai21



╰餐桌(West Elm Hera Table-目前无货)http://bit.ly/2RZZ3dQ





╰编辑:Final Cut Pro X。

  1. Hi, Rowena! It would be amazing if you make a video about how you use the app Notion in your day-to-day. Love your videos! ??

  2. I have a Samsung S8 (Android 9.0) and I find with helpful. People have to remember that you don't have to have an iPhone to have a productive. Not saying that you said you have to, but I seen some people whining about their Android phones.

  3. I have just one page with all my apps, i don't allow myself to start a second onr ? i organise my apps in categories and only keep the ones I use ?

  4. For the last couple of years I only download Instagram to post and then delete it. Whenever I have the app on my phone I feel like I lose hours of my life so quickly and walk away feeling badly about myself. I love your videos Rowena. Whenever I watch, my sense of perspective is refreshed. Over the years I’ve watched you grow with me, usually a couple of steps ahead of me. You have been someone I’ve looked up to for a long time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and warm energy 🙂

  5. i don’t usually hype up apps but i highly highly recommend Stoic. it’s a really great minimalistic app that includes breathing and meditation exercises, journaling, quotes, and personal questions like “what are you grateful for?” “what did you do better today? what could you improve” (you can choose what questions you answer everyday). it has really helped me meditate everyday and be more aware of my time, my daily plan, and just more self aware in general. 10/10

  6. Your videos always make my day, you have no idea. You project and shed such a bright light. it's contagious and I love that. Thanks for always showing a different angle to look at things

  7. I just absolutely love how reflective all you videos are! You really got me thinking about my own relationship w my phone (haha it could be so much better)

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