如何使用Amazon API Gateway和AWS Lambda创建Websocket API-完整教程

在这个深入的视频中,我们将学习如何设置Websocket端点。 Websocket允许用户连接,然后任何一方都可以随时发送消息。这对于通知系统,消息传递平台等非常有用。



  1. Thanks for the great tutorial, it was really helpful. I was wondering if you know or had any ideas which is the best way to message an individual user based on their unique username? I'm having trouble as the user may have multiple tabs or devices open and I need the notification (that comes from an EC2 instance) to pop up on all of their connections. If you have time, any pointers would be great. Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. These are literally the best coding instructional on the NET!!! Awesome you use the CLI for everything were as every of instructional use the GUI. If you subscribe and follow along you will not be disappointed. 10/10!!!!!!

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