靠拢中国的概念!? 英国有限度放行华为开5G大门 恐将重创”英美关系”|主播 王志郁|【大世界新闻】20200131|三立iNEWS

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#三立iNEWS .

  1. 香港醫護狗看看人家的醫護人員的付出,醜嗎?你們不配那套制服。2003年你們的前輩全力以赴地去服務社會,看看今天的你們是什麼東西!

  2. 特朗普上台后一系列的讹诈政策让传统欧洲盟友也心存疑虑,也开始反思一面倒依靠美国的政策是否符合自身利益,那这时候欧洲就需要中国来制衡一下美国,自己能够两面逢源当然是最理想结果。

  3. 一個國家領導人常常拿著地動山搖來恐嚇自己的國家國民真是 前無來者 這是一個病害國度 不能用常理來判斷 中國人就是髒就是病就是臭

  4. English has a Clever Brain, is born in their Brain, they know what is Important, friendship or their English People's Future Important ? China don't force any countries to use their products.

  5. 全世界的华夏儿女团结起来,任何困难艰险都可战胜!中国永远是世界正能量的守护者,是人类命运共同体守护者!!!

  6. It is sad, every actions from China are war strategies. Why China did not assign area export to handle the disease? There are Chinese investor bought the UK telecom. They will present all the advantages of 5G system, but they sure will not let customers know how to use the advanced tools in monitor people and any possible applications (back door) to the developers (with possible extended development). Why China use government to push the 5G usage to all countries? I know I am in trouble to tell this. I am telecom developer, and the victim from the aggressive bully cruel spoiled communist China organized people in Chicago. Other people been fooled to attack me in person in store where I work. I cannot resist in telling this. The more advanced the tool, the more I am scared and worry. It is not I don't care my own race. I did tell people, if we can afford we should help people in China confine the situation is a defensive and a method protect ourselves. I suggest to use drone to deliver necessary need to people, they cannot just seal people or …. They need all the corelated supports and many things. But, how China government handle the disease? I worry they will after me or my name for telling this.

  7. 英國與歐盟如果接納的話(那將來如果面對中共盜竊知識產權、機密洩漏、甚至被中共出賣給最大的敵人),

  8. 美國對“華為”的所謂“安全風險”

  9. 大韓的騏乘國一自主品牌小國忠國別太過度恐慌了,類似溫州鬧劇這樣的事情上演對中國疫情沒有幫助,華為手機60%銷售在國內,而小米手機74%銷售在國外,第一季中國手機銷售衰退30%,受傷最重的應該是華為,華為復工是在安定人心,小粉紅民粹不可取!

  10. 英国才不愿意趟欧盟那一滩混水,而且,英镑和欧元平起平坐,脱欧后英国一身轻。美国封杀华为是为了维护自己霸权,英国没有那种需求,当然不会封杀。同理,大部分欧盟国家也不会封杀华为。

  11. 你妈为何能生出你这个高质量、髙水平的人才,你真的太可爱了!希望所有人主播都能与你为模样。

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