






75多年来,加拿大广播公司一直是CBC新闻的来源,以使他们了解自己的社区,他们的国家和世界。通过CBC电视台,CBC新闻网,CBC广播,CBCNews.ca,移动和点播等多个平台上的区域和国家节目,CBC新闻及其国际知名的屡获殊荣的记者团队提供了突发新闻,分析和对加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. CBC is misinformation. Zuckerberg recently committed to supporting free speech. Liberals are slowly losing allies. It sometimes takes time for people to realize they are being lied to.

  2. Youtube is a joke. If you search for Coronavirus it only shows videos from CBC, Global News, WHO or Chinese propaganda. They recommend a video that's 2 weeks old before showing me new independent media results.

    I used to get a ton of recommendations and search results but not anymore. This is unacceptable level of information suppression.

  3. Definitely, these social media, even all media, providers MUST refrain from making the decision to prevent people from posting or providing misinfo., without VERY careful evaluation being first performed ; and, usually anyway, NONE of these people are medically qualified. So, they MUST have the necessary assistance from the true experts, the best qualified anyway. AND, it's surprising that people could be so CLOWN as to come up with ideas of cures for this viral problem without expert evaluation, which of course requires TESTING.

  4. If anyone thinks drinking bleach will prevent the Coronavirus, nobody should stop them.

    CBC is a joke but they laugh the hardest because it’s our money they waste.

  5. So is the Liberal freakshow aka CBC news going to be taken down? Cause you're media outlet is full of crap…you're THE worst pushers of propaganda and lies!

  6. Where is all the impeachment fracas? I thought Trump was going to be locked up…….

    Hmm….. Seems like the CBC backed the wrong horse and is now too scared to run their age old coverage of the removal of a duly elected leader they don't like.

    Now it's just endless fear mongering over a flu…. CBC is trash.

  7. LOL facebook I'm more vary of out Minister of MisInformation (aka Health Minister ) who pretends she knows what she's talking about with her Graphic Arts experience

  8. It's oh so reassuring to be told that Zuck's minions know better than anyone else about this Chinese-caused biological disaster, so they can toss aside opinions that disagree with theirs. Mrs. Chinese Zuck might be the final decision-maker regarding what is "true" in Facebook's omniscient and perfect perspective.

  9. I don't want giant tech companies to keep information from me, weather THEY deemed it true information or not.stop trying to control peoples thoughts.canada is turning into an Orwellian nightmare.

  10. I don't like this at all. I've seen numerous great ideas shared on social media. Anyone who doesn't recognize that things like Oregano Oil and Vitamin C can help fight a virus are not very educated when it comes to health.

  11. Yes take the CBC to heart . The CBC is the best news source in the world as justin gave them $600,000,000 to make sure you get the news you deserve .

  12. When will WHO make it a crime to sell wild animals not only in china but worldwide. Not to be racists or anything stop eating animals become vegetarians or vegans

  13. Bill gates patented corona virus… What was his link to harvard bio-tech researcher coronavirus arrest? Only elite can afford bill's personal trial of his own disease?

  14. Seriously facebook should be sued or they should find people spreading this crap and have them sued at this point. I know way too many people that take random BS from facebook seriously.

  15. Follow hygiene practice and take some home remedies such as garlic with honey, lemon mixture or anything that helps fight off common flu to boost the immune system. It may sound lile a mythical but what can regular citizens do at this point? We have to find way to keep our mind calm.

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