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  1. Yo, do NOT sleep on the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 10 5G phone. It's looking to have support for several 5G bands and have better specs in every department than even the upcoming Galaxy S20, and at a $375-600 price. Xiaomi is definitely doing a $400 or less 5G phone this year, as they've announced that. The Mi 10 5G is set to launch February 14th as of now.

  2. This by far has just convinced me of how biased his review is……….what exactly is better…..I mean really…….being able to possibly connect to 5g abroad or only when you visit only specific high traffic areas where MIGHT get connected…….quite frankly, more expensive LTE coverage is better then little spurt of 5G…. .

  3. Honestly though signal strength is what the majority of people need. Especially out in more rural areas, I couldn't personally care one bit about getting gigabit internet connection on my phone which I primarily use for either listening to music or watching YouTube videos along with texting and calling people.

  4. It is always good to hear your thoughts ???? because is more than clear that you know your stuff and you always keeping it real and neutral …. I did ended up getting a McLaren edition … I mean I had no choice my older phone was just old with issues and they didn't had anymore replacements …. I usually keep my phone for couple of years and I know that the 5g is going to be improving within time, so the question is …. Do you think I'll be able to see those 5g speeds improvements within time, having the same phone???? Or I would need to upgrade it down the line like a year or so??? What do think???

  5. T-Mobile is well aware of their Network issues, but with the merger being constantly delayed, they can't do what they have planned, so the network experience is suffering.

  6. I love TMO. But Lord their rural coverage still hasn't improved. In the city where I live TMO gives me about 38 Mbps on avg. Verizon on the other hand averages over 180 Mbps. It's quite pathetic. And that's in a rural area!!

  7. Once CBRS and C-Band is auctioned off this summer and put into the TMobile network it will be alot faster throughput… Just got to be patient Sneed ?

  8. 800mbps download isn't going to be noticed on 80% of people's devices.. like seriously you can stream 1440p with 25mbps easily.. now having a really fast upload speed it where it's at, and as far as I can tell tmobile has the fastest uploads consistently.. the fast upload is what people need for uploading videos or whatever they upload to get there information out there.. I consistently get 50-60mbps upload on metro at my house on band 66, the coverage in my area has doubled in just the last month, I now get full bars and 4 bars in places I only got 1 bar.. I've noticed in Michigan, tmobile has added signal boosters or repeaters to light poles at schools on the football field lights, I noticed this just yesterday, they had to of made the upgrade in the last wk, because I always only had 2 bars waiting in the parking lot for my kid, well yesterday I had full bars and 120mbps download, then I opened my "network cell service lite" app and it showed it connected 50ft from where I was parked.. that's awesome, and I've noticed 600mhz band 71 is getting closer and closer every week.. I live about 60 miles west of Grand Rapids Michigan where 5g (band 71) is already available.. I'm totally satisfied with my band 66 and 5G wouldn't change much for me at my house because speeds are already double what any other carrier can put out.. although I haven't seen a Verizon sppeed test in my area in a few years, but I already know its congested as fuck because I swear I'm 1 in 50 people in my town that probably use tmobile because it has been terrible up until the past few years. I'm pretty positive tmobile is #1 in my area right now and I'm glad I left at&t and made the switch.. It can only get better from here.. I'm not falling for the Verizon 5g BS where u get good speed in one spot then walk a block and get "congestion" (weak signal). Tmobile has great coverage within a 50+ mile circle around my area.. nobody really needs more than 150mbps download when u have +100mbps consistently everywhere

  9. @Sneed !!! This is not a fully fair conversation. T-Mobile's merger must first go through. Everyone has to know that once this merger is done then they have to start the full network integration. T-Mobile will be ok after this. Did everyone forget this part of the conversation ? You have to wait for the merger to be completed. Kicking them while they are trying to accomplish something that has never been done before is not so fair.

  10. When tmobile flipped on 5g their LTE speeds took a crap I went out and bought the note 10 5g just because LTE couldn't do it. Now I get the performance that I used to get just on a more expensive device.

  11. I said it before, the current T-Mobile 5G is a joke. They might as well just join AT&T and say hey get got “5Ge” and it’s all over. The way these wireless companies showing 5G is just making consumers to just don’t care about 5G cause LTE looks great so far.

  12. Exactly, be patient and enjoy the coverage benefits. The speeds will come laaaaaaater! And for gods sake don’t pay extra for 5G

  13. My question is… Isn’t TMobile still charging the same prices? Isn’t Big V charging more for 5G access? If I’m getting charged the same ?‍♂️ but your charging me more I better be getting more. It’s still very early days. At this point I want better coverage not 500 up down. I just want connect in more places.

  14. I'm straight just done with tmobile. Up until recently I was getting an average of 13 mbps down in my house. Now I get I can't even get 1 mbps no matter the time of day. I just switched to at&t. #sodone!

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