5G将如何改变我们的世界? |为什么重要完整剧集



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关于其重要性:我们的世界正在以前所未有的速度变化。我们的生活正变得越来越复杂。为了使所有事情都有意义,Joshua Lim提出了您一直想问的问题,甚至是您从未想过的问题。找出重要的内容及其重要性。
#CNAInsider #CNAInsider解释#WhyItMatters#5G

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  1. Good video. There are some portion that I thought was overhyping 5G.
    I do think that the pros really good for realtime systems like mentioned in the video especially the 0 latency

    Cons 5g :
    1. 300m range
    2. Signal was very bad if you go inside building. ( not strongly highlighted in video )

    In my opinion these 2 cons alone outweights the pros.

    The video call example was really bad, consider this case, in order to get 5g signal to video call i need to go out my house and call? Or i need to be around 5g cell tower which ranged around 300m only? Not sure whether the signal will have issue during raining as well…

    why not ask how much is the cost to built the 5g infrastructure compare with 4g? And how many km were covered so far?
    How much was the price for the consumer?

    How about providing a better 3g and 4g price and services? All these hype but still there are no cheap unlimited internet, then does the telecom company expect consumers to spend more data so could spend more money as well?
    The korean said it is expensive, why not ask how expensive it is compare to 4g? 100x speed = 100x price as well?

    I believe that the price is what matters most to the consumer. So in the end I will still have this question even after watching the video "Why it matters?"

  2. Huawei invented 5G and is the world leader in 5G. South Korea's 5G network is built using Huawei 5G towers. You should give credit to Huawei, and not only talk about Korea. 5G is a Chinese technology. This whole video is all about Korea. You are trying to mislead people into thinking it is "Korean tech".

  3. The 5G technology and test bed is located in Wuhan. And, with the current corona virus epidemic is still in progress. The advancement of 5G will be impeded indefinitely.

  4. Imagine paying for all the data. 5G 100x faster than 4G, also 100x more expressive 1000/1000 down up as well as 100$/min. 5G super fast speed is also super fast money for the companies. Oh man someone didnt think this true, you can download movie in 60s but after 3s you reach your monthly limit :D. 5G is much-much more expensive to build than 4G and that is already stupidly expensive and guess whos gonna pay for it. Oh man what a great strategy to generate more money from people, being the 1% must feel good in these days, its so easy to mess with people, we believe to anything. Btw I dont know where you live but I can and I do easily watch 1080p 60fps on 4G live stream with no lags or issues so what the hell are you talking about with that baseball test?! idk about the up speed bcos I dont upload. I guess the only think is the network with real time data transfere buuuuut!!! for the cars with no lags … what is actually the real use for it???!!! lag for what, the car is not gonna be driven by some center online AI in real time and the road jams, accidents, fallen tries etc takes stupidly lot of time to implement to the map not bcos the internet speed but cos the lack of users and system issues, as google is already doing this for years. Not talking about the health questions… I mean living with 2 wifis in your home is one think but living with 20k wifis constantly bombarding you… yea I dont know about that… maybe its ok I dont know. Im big big fan of high tech including 5G but what the hell is going on here.

  5. All wilderness on earth will be gone with 5g. No more wilderness. Science, the cancer it wishes to kill. Crack Addicts, Poindexters addicted to cracking things open. What a tragedy. The end of Humanity. Robot prison.

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