
Axios与佐治亚州的FCC专员和城市领导人坐在一起,讨论5G小蜂窝技术的部署方式,以及围绕联邦法规建立新5G天线的法律斗争。 。

  1. FCC officials have zero support (or respect) from me. They do nothing for consumers and everything for telecom companies. They even let the telecom companies write their own regulations to not follow. I'm sure everything about 5G is going to work out swell for everyone.

  2. 5G will get into business history books as an outstanding PR effort to sell billions of new telecom infrastructure hardware. There are no “smart cities», much interest in internet-connected appliances (due to almost no substantial value for customers in that connection) or any other real demand now for mobile speeds over those offered by 4G/LTE.

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