
批评者声称,公司对FCC等机构的权力和控制导致对无线技术科学的压制及其对公共健康构成的风险。儿童健康防御部高级律师兼5G计划总监Dafna Tachover与RT America的Michele Greenstein(代表里克·桑切斯)一起分享了她的专业知识。

#问题更多#RTA #NewsWithRickSanchez



  1. Excellent interview with Dafna Tachover the Children's Health Defense. Please donate so that the FCC may be held accountable in court for failing to protect the public after leaving the allowable levels of radiation to remain the same in spite of public comment on the FCC docket over a period of 7 years. Numerous medical and scientific experts urged the FCC to lower the allowable limit of radiation. The FCC is there to serve the Telecommunications industry, not the public. Oddly, the FCC is in charge of determining what level of radiation is "healthy" for the general public. Yet they are not a health agency. Please donate to this worthy cause. Robert F Kennedy, Jr is the lead attorney & attorney Dafna Tachover is brilliant & uniquely qualified. Specify "Stop 5G" when you donate:

  2. The crazy thing about this is the people who work for the corparations, the scientists carrying out these studies and saying 5g is harmless have children too!. Is their greed and worship of the money God, so powerfull that it overiddes all feeling for their kids and fellow human beings?

  3. lets experiment with our health. Idiots giving their kids Ipads/cell phones don't even care what it is doing to health cuz it's FUN.. Schools are using it in Kindergarten so parents think it is safe. 5 G will be worse.

  4. It's sad that despite all the health concerns of 5g that we have a well respected science like Bill Nye being a 5g spokesman for TMobile…

  5. So this is why people are all getting cancer my dad got stage 4 cancer canada does not want 5g im tellin u ill go out my way to find and kidnapp these basterds and there family they wanna fuck with people family u just made me want to come after you slimes even more u dirty politicians and isreal lobbyists they are terrorist and will be dealt with one way or another start kidnapping these politicians familys and will see how funny it is now

  6. Thank you RT for putting out this reporting and taking a stand on the new 5G technology. I've seen the reporting on this technology before you started reporting on it and am deeply concerned about the negative health consequences. The reporting concludes that these high frequency waves traveling through the air have a real, physica, negative effect on living creatures that are located next to it. This is simple to understand. Scientists from different specialties have sounded the alarm on 5G for only a few recent years but it's enough to convince me to be careful of this technology. Please keep up the research and reporting on this. The rest of corporate mainstream media don't cover any of it and I rely on RT to keep me informed. Please have on more scientists that study the dangers of 5G. FYI, I found my research on the Internet and youTube. These folks are there. Find them and have them on. Thank you.


  8. Well, I guess this goes right here:     How Joe Tippens beat terminal cancer with a $7 dog deworming medicine. 

    Dr. Andrew Jones DVM Explains Panacur’s effects: 

    Kerri Parker Ex Miss U.K. Surviving a brain tumor: 

    Kerri Parker lays out her protocol: 

    Kerri Parker Panacur and Fenbendazole is curing my brain cancer: 

    Panacur’s effects, increasing P53 activity, inhibiting cancer cell tubules, blocking cancer cells metabolization of sugar. These properties are explained in the 2008 research paper below.

    READING JOE'S BLOG IS A MUST. http://www.MyCancerStory.Rocks 


    800 iu high quality vitamin E to aid with absorption daily

    25 Mg CBD daily

    600 Mg Turmeric/Curcumin daily 

    222 Mg Panacur C (Fenbendazole) 3 days on, 4 days off

    It should be noted that for hormone driven cancers Fish Bendazole is said to be more applicable. 

    While Wall Street awaits the entry of over 1,813 new cancer drugs into human clinical trials representing billions of dollars of investment capital, the announcement of a bona fide cure for cancer comes from an outsider – patient Joe Tippens.

    An astounding report of Mr. Tippens’ cancer cure is circulating the internet now.  First diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016 and with tumors popping up on scans in virtually every organ in his body, in desperation Joe Tippens began using a dog de-worming agent at the suggestion of a veterinarian.

    He was told this cancer cure “was batting 1,000 in killing different cancers.”  He heard one of the scientists involved in the research was cured. He had no time to dither.  He was weeks away from dying.

    Treatment began in the third week of January 2017.  Three months later at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston, Tippens anxiously awaited the report of his oncologist who had no idea Tippens started taking the dog deworming medication.

    The doctor is reported to have walked up to Mr. Tippens and said: “I am going to have to ask you to leave this hospital, because we only treat patients with cancer here at MD Anderson.”

    Within just 3 months his cancer vanished.  His insurance company spent $1.2 million before Tippens switched to a $5 a week medicine that saved his life.  Daily vitamins and CBD oil were also an essential part of his curative regimen. Here’s the video report.

    Unexpected antitumorigenic effect of fenbendazole when combined with supplementary vitamins.

    Gao P, et al. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2008.

    Show full citation


    Diet containing the anthelminthic fenbendazole is used often to treat rodent pinworm infections because it is easy to use and has few reported adverse effects on research. However, during fenbendazole treatment at our institution, an established human lymphoma xenograft model in C.B-17/Icr-prkdcscid/Crl (SCID) mice failed to grow. Further investigation revealed that the fenbendazole had been incorporated into a sterilizable diet supplemented with additional vitamins to compensate for loss during autoclaving, but the diet had not been autoclaved. To assess the role of fenbendazole and supplementary vitamins on tumor suppression, 20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID mice were assigned to 4 treatment groups: standard diet, diet plus fenbendazole, diet plus vitamins, and diet plus both vitamins and fenbendazole. 

    Diet treatment was initiated 2 wk before subcutaneous flank implantation with 3 x 107 lymphoma cells. Tumor size was measured by caliper at 4-d intervals until the largest tumors reached a calculated volume of 1500 mm3. Neither diet supplemented with vitamins alone nor fenbendazole alone caused altered tumor growth as compared with that of controls. However, the group supplemented with both vitamins and fenbendazole exhibited significant inhibition of tumor growth. The mechanism for this synergy is unknown and deserves further investigation. Fenbendazole should be used with caution during tumor studies because it may interact with other treatments and confound research results.

    PMID 19049251 [Indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID PMC2687140

    James Templeton Foundation Interviews Joe Tippens 

    News Science 

    Veterinary drug may be repurposed for human cancers: study

    Yogesh Sharma Updated on August 27, 2018

    Indian scientists have found that fenbendazole, a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug used in veterinary sector, could be useful against cancers as well.

    Researchers at the National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research (NCHGSR), Panjab university, have reported that fenbendazole has a good potential for development as an effective anti-cancer agent. It is currently used as used to treat infections caused by parasitic worms in animals like horses. The study results have been published in journal Scientific Reports.

    To check the effectiveness of fenbendazole, researchers first treated human ‘non-small cell lung cancer cells’ (type of lung cancer cells) with fenbendazolem and analysed cancer cells with immunofluorescence technique. They found that the drug causes partial alteration of microtubule network around the cell nucleus. Tumour cell lines also showed enhanced cell death-inducing activity in the presence of wild type (WT) p53 tumour suppressor genes.

    Researchers tested fenbendazole in mice, feeding them the drug orally every second day for 12 days. After the end of 12 th day, tumours were excised, measured and weighed.

    Researchers found reduction in tumour size and weight. Results suggested that fenbendazole inhibits tumour cell growth in vivo by inducing apoptosis of tumour cells.

    Cancer cells are known to show increased glucose uptake for their energy requirements. So, researchers tested the effect of fenbendazole on glucose uptake in human cancer cells. Two different type of cancer cells, H460 and A549 cells, were treated with fenbendazole.

    Researchers found inhibition in glucose uptake in both the cell lines According to researchers, fenbendazole may also be advantageous in evading drug resistance commonly encountered in cancer therapy. Since the process of tumorigenesis Reduced tumour size in mice fed with fenbendazole for 12 days involves a number of genes and proteins altering various cell signaling pathways, single-target drugs often show limited efficacy and may lead to drug resistance. Drugs having multiple cellular targets, therefore, are expected to have improved efficacy besides the ability to circumvent the likelihood of developing resistance.

    “Our findings show that fenbendazole acts through moderate microtubule disruption, p53 stabilization and interference with glucose metabolism leading to preferential elimination of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo”, explained Dr. Tapas Mukhopadhyay, former director, NCHGSR, who led the study, while speaking to India Science Wire.

    The use of microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) for treatment of multiple tumour types is very common but their effectiveness is often hampered due to drug resistance.

    “Usually, development of new drugs requires a considerable amount of time, money and effort. Developing a promising molecule into an approved drug often takes several years. It is therefore, crucial to employ strategies to overcome these impediments. Repurposing of veterinary drugs showing promising results for human use can result in considerable time and cost reduction required to develop new drugs,” said Dr. Mukhopadhyay.

    According to the researchers fenbendazole is known for a high safety margin and most species tolerate it very well. It has very low degree of toxicity and high degree of safety in experimental animals. Hence it can be a good candidate for anticancer therapy.

    Alternatively, it can also be used as an adjuvant therapy.

    “FDA as well as other published pre-clinical data on the toxicological studies performed on animals shows that fenbendazole administered in different species at dosages several times the approved dosage does not cause any adverse effects in animals. Further, our previous study also showed minimal toxicity of fenbendazole in normal human cells. Considering this information, FZ can be an ideal candidate for development as an anti-cancer agent”, added Dr. Mukhopadhyay.

    Besides Dr Mukhopadhyay and Dr. Ashok Kumar from Panjab University, the research team included Dr. Nilambra Dogra from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.

  9. I don't get how 6 findings over 8-9 years is causal, given overall prevalence. Or rather, I do see why the classification hasn't been raised, despite animal-testing suggesting otherwise.

    Should find out what the safe level is, if it's a matter of dosage+time, but it's doubtful imo that the causal link is very strong (note, not saying not there)

  10. Most news sites have comments turned off. – ? India done studies on rats with 3g and it showed that it caused DNA damage – we are being very irresponsible if we do not stand up to this – our children need to be protected.

  11. (Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019.)..Is this why their immune systems were knocked out?

    Is this the global plan.Knock out immunity,and introduce man made viruses?

  12. Unstoppable Irreversible Cumulative Intersectional Stupidity Drivers
    Nano petro-plastics love nano toxins and metals. Nano petrochemicals are growing 7X faster than human populations because all plastics become nano. By 2030 more oil will become petrochemical than is burned in cars. By 2040 there will only be 200 million EVs out of 2 billion vehicles. SUV and trucks emissions were 40% of emissions growth last decade. Cars give off nano-magnets that go your nose and in your brain. Other petrochemical nano particles go through your skin, lungs and stomachs and work with 5G and toxic urban oxygen deprivation to weaken your brain.

    The food is GMO soaked in poison. The medicine they give you is poison. Zero gravity wrecks your brains & eyes, and gives you blood clots. By 2030 your car will be smarter than you, and that new car smelll and 5G saturation will turn you kids into sterile feminized glow worms. 60% of men will be sterile by 2060. We are going extinct, and we are taking down vertebrates and insects with us, and nobody goes to jail for this. Even I know this is not right, and I'm demented.
    Michelle on 5G and Pam Bondi on Hunter Biden make my nipples blush.
    Academic Fraud and Ecological Collapse

    All your climate and energy charts on one single page updated

  13. 5G is a threat to public safety. Millions of new cell antennas, installed closer than ever to people's homes, resulting in UNPRECEDENTED levels of microwave radiation exposure. This is not speculation, it is basic physics, and proven by a pilot study commissioned by the City of Sacramento, one of the first 5G test cities.

    People are already being harmed here in Sacramento. We have been fighting for almost a year against this dangerous and intrusive technology but we continue to be subjected to this dangerous radiation inside our own homes. This is no longer America, it is a tyrannical human rights abuse at the hands of big business and big government.

    Please support the Children's Health Defense lawsuit. It is one of very few ways we can set things right in this country.

    Please visit my website for more information on 5G.

  14. Why does the public rely on the government to tell them what is good for them and what is not good for them why can each individual decide how much you want to or don't want to be on your cell phone this is pure ignorance do not depend on someone to tell you how to live your life live your damn life responsible people y'all are ignorant if the government said this cause problem you gonna still have that phone or the earbud in your ears regardless if they say it's okay you going to still do it so what's the point do you all really need to be led by the hand told what to do when an how to do have a freaking mind of your own

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