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  1. BIG mistake for the U.K. ! The risks will be hard to manage given the lack of technological expertise by the U.K. Instead, I find interesting no one is backing up the European company NOKIA who can compete with the Chinese on 5G. Every great economy has a computer communications corporation leading the way..perhaps it’s time for the Europeans to do the same…isn’t it shameful that China was able to do this in 20 years since their emergence to the world stage and the EU HAS BEEN AROUND FOR FORTY YEARS…WHY IS THAT? They’re plenty of smart and capable engineers in Europe..

  2. If UK decide to allow Huawei on 5G, then the US could no longer shared technical sensitive information specially on Military stuff…… the best US could do is better off exiting from UK……….. UK is better off with Ericson, or Nokia or Samsung…….. They are Manufacturer and supplier of 5G infrastructure in the world.

  3. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. This is my prediction China will have backdoor to British Intelligent services. This will use it to blackmail and extortion to British Government in the future. Mark my word. 31/01/2020.

  4. Good for Boris. Trump has been fear mongering the risks but unable to provide any solid fact just to protect America's very expensive and less advanced 5G suppliers.

  5. The Brits are only doing this because it is confident that the risk can be managed as Huawei has been providing the UK with 4G equipment for the last decade and uniquely for Huawei it has jointly set up a center(and paid for by Huawei btw) with GCHQ (aka the UK's spy Central for those not in the know)to scrutinise their gear as well as providing the source code to GCHQ. To date no backdoor has ever been found in any of Huawei's gear. In any case, the only other option is to procure the equipment from Nokia Erickson but which is inferior and more expensive than Huawei's.

  6. come on! the world is going to us china's space station. do they scare that there will be technological leak. Then let u.s. not use china' s space station. It is just a business competition. Trump does not care about security. what he cares is business and win the competition against china.

  7. UK; I’ll just let a possible thief hang out in my yard, but not in my house….. AND how long do you think that will last?? Can you/ should you really roll the dice on your nations National Security and your nations peoples personal safety & security?

  8. Canada will join. We already made bad deals with china, to cut them out would be to break a contract, which would leave us liable to huge fines. Also.we got 3 pig companies that got a monopoly on us

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