镜周刊 镜爆头条》险让妈妈捐眼角膜 邓紫棋泪诉亲恩


镜周刊影音组出品 .

  1. Hey G you and your mother had good relationship that's good you got good family value what do you do for your parents good I see you your grandfather to hey I still looking for your homegirl I love to mess with her she's my type of lady

  2. Your mama must be love you so much and proud for you, G.E.M. … I wish you goodluck and have all the best things in this life, you deserve happiness and joyful….may God bless you, Gloria Tang. Amen.

  3. 母親永遠是心目中真正最偉大的,其實偉大這個詞並非自大,每個人都可以偉大、心胸寬大,除非在那邊炫耀的不叫偉大,那叫自大。

  4. 我也想有人爱我.. 但后来觉得有家人就够了 毕竟缘分这个东西说来就来 时机到了自然而然就在你面前 想躲开都难 xD

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