如何在Google Play上处理违反政策的行为

将您的应用或游戏发布到Google Play令人兴奋,因此因违反政策而推迟发布会令人失望。在此视频中,我们将带您逐步了解各种政策审查结果,并提供一些可能导致违规的常见示例,并说明将标记的应用或游戏重新带回商店的后续步骤。


如果您仍然有疑问或想对Google Play的决定提出上诉,可以点击违规电子邮件中的链接以进行联系。

向Play Academy学习→https://g.co/playacademy/policy

#GooglePlay #Featured。

  1. "As much as I'd like to help, I’m not able to provide any more information or a better answer to your question" .
    So please take a wild guess and 'fix' the 'issue'. We may approve and then reject/remove it again in a few days. Then take a wild guess again.

  2. Definitely a bad joke after we got an app suspended without any visual examples of the alleged violation or even an explanation what was wrong. Account managers stopped responding and 5 appeals were unsuccessful. Google's review process is a bad joke.

  3. I've had my app removed back in 2015 for updating Google side of the play store but because I didn't re upload the app my app was flagged for auto updating and was suspended when nothing app side was changed 🙁

  4. Yes my app removed today because i didnt check block controll of admob since it was a quiz app. I guess it show ads to everyone who play the quiz. But i remember i mark the game not less then 18 years old, still i am confused why its removed… Its a general knowladge app, i set for 18 year an beyond, i entegrated the ads but its removed after months.

  5. "As much as I’d like to help, I’m not able to provide any more information or a better answer to your question. In our previous email, I made sure to include all the information available to me."

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