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  1. Ahh, good ol American cowardice and the political fear-mongering that takes such easy advantage of it… We have many different movies to thank for many different instances of both fear-induced over-reaction and advantageous politician capitalization for personal political benefit. Hell, Americas obsession with reality tv and perhaps fast food resulted in an unqualified, obese, fast food cramming reality tv show star with a lifetime history of corporate failure, bankruptcies, and underhanded scamming of contractors, small businesses, employees, investors, and even hard-working middle-class folks desperate to provide a better life for themselves and their families becoming president! Then that president claiming to be a conservative more than tripled the deficit for the exclusive benefit of the top 10% richest Americans! Ohh America, you truly are the "best & brightest" aren't you?

  2. Did anyone else read the title as 2 separate things or is just me?…why companies like google…and…facebook pay hackers millions…is funny but it could be understood this way too

  3. For the consumer, this is a wolves in sheeps clothing scenario. Basically, in many of these circumstances, it’s keep your friends close and enemies closer. No wonder living off the grid is gaining more and more traction year upon year. Millennials eat your hearts out.

  4. 12:15 – "You can't control what a hacker is going to do"

    Precisely; it's stated by someone ostensibly in this industry…yet I have yet to encounter a single "white hat hacking" company or any company seeking vulnerability identification/assessment, willing to listen to, much less pay for, the reality of what "hacking" entails and the vectors of attack that are almost always present in, if not encompassing the entirety of, a given real world hack.

  5. To be honest these people are underpaid. If you don’t believe me go study to be an ethical hacker and you tell me how many people in the world can do what they do.

  6. Oh look at me! I found a way to be plugged into the matrix, ohh, I mean corporation!

    I deserve this monopoly money for saving a trillionaire another billion dollars.

    Now that the corporation recognises my value and legitmaises me, you would be plain ignorant to laugh and say I live in my mom's basement. I got a cool million bucks for Tappin at my keyboard while watching Slavs bump uglies on one of my 5 screens.

    They don't need to offer me a place of work cos I don't need friends, fresh air or sunlight.

    I was one of the first hatchlings of the new breeding program to test if Autism wasn't simply left to nature but could be nurtured through our education system.

    Friends say I have mastered the talk-ward (talking awkwardly).

    Just me and my basement.

    Now that I have been entrenched into forever servitude, I mean assimilated! Ill be a good corporate shill for CNBC.

    ffs BORG!

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