多远才算远? |人工智能时代

可以吗制作音乐?它会感到兴奋和恐惧吗?还活着吗Will.i.am和Mark Sagar突破了机器的极限。多远就是多远,我们能走多远?

人工智能时代这是由小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)主持的纪录片系列,共8部分,内容涉及人工智能,机器学习和神经网络将如何改变世界。


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  1. You spoke and we listened! Subtitles are now available in French, German, Hindi, Korean, Portuguese (BR) and Spanish for the first four episodes. Get ready for the final four episodes of Age of AI launching on January 15th!

  2. IDIOCY OF HUMANITY;>By ISA DUMAGAT;> HOW FAR IS TOO FAR???;> When AI get to the point they can Re-Manufacture themselves;> Humans have already prepared everything they need;> Why will any human think that AI would still want Humans to be around for??? For AI's to be subjected to the Danger; Cruelty and IDIOCY OF HUMANITY??? You must be really some kind of Genius Expert IDIOTS and a 1/2's!!!;> Contributing to the future destruction of Humanity again like what the Lost Advance Civilization did !!!;> IDIOTS !!!

  3. I pray that I never fully empathize with an amputee..
    I cannot imagine losing even a digit.. so there is no way I could truly relate. I do not pity amputees, I greatly admire them.
    Having seen the almost "instant" success of a bionic hand in this video from someone who lost their hand over 30yrs prior..
    It makes me wonder if we still have any capacity to simulate a "tail" using our brain in a similar way.

  4. I was totally creeped out by "Baby X" .. then I got goosebumps learning that it is modeled after his own daughter.
    I do appreciate the logic behind what he is doing here though.. but it still gives me chills somehow.
    Seems like we should start at maybe canine level "intelligence" to see how realistic we could simulate a lifelike dog rather than go straight to the complicated human stuff < nudges @Boston Dynamics >

  5. The answer to the question is a quote we humans live to use time over time " I didn't come this far to only come this far". There is no limit or end of a line.

  6. And when one go and read the Bible,one will find ALL this already foretold!!!!!! This is already in most languages spoken on this earth!!!! Enough said!!!!!

  7. Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

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