NES和超级NES-2月游戏更新-Nintendo Switch Online

2月19日,Super Nintendo Entertainment System™-Nintendo Switch Online和Nintendo Entertainment System™-Nintendo Switch Online系列将再增加四款游戏。


Pop’n TwinBee-TwinBee系列的第六款游戏,这款垂直滚动射击游戏发生在可爱的罂粟花环境中。该射击游戏于1993年为Super Nintendo Entertainment System™发行。TwinBee和WinBee从一个名叫Madoka的女孩那里得知她的曾祖父Mardock博士已经失去了机智,于是他们出发让他恢复正常生活。 。该游戏没有提供多个“生命”,但当敌人击中敌人或他们的攻击击中该船之前,该船将不会被破坏,直到生命值达到0。射击云朵中的铃铛以改变其颜色并获得各种效果。

Smash Tennis-在Super Nintendo Entertainment System™的Smash Tennis中,控件可能很简单,但仍有很多技能空间!使用A按钮进行强力射击,使用B按钮进行弱光射击,或者使用X按钮进行高光。容易吧?好吧,只有这些动作,您才能开发出各种方法,从而开启网球的深层策略!在“展览”模式下您可以自由选择自己的角色和球场类型,在“竞赛”模式下您必须在比赛结束后获胜,才能在场上公平地查看自己的表现。共有八种法院类型之一-三种基本类型和五种特殊类型!



Eliminator Boat Duel-在这个摩托艇赛车游戏中,赶上水上最快的机器之一的车轮,并准备赚取大量游戏中的现金!司机们为比赛赚了数千美元,您将利用您的奖金来修理和升级您的船,从而真正将您的竞争优势推向最高。钱是让您不断前进的动力,而略微的侵略则可以走很长一段路:让对手沉没,以赚取凉爽的50,000美元游戏内奖励来花钱买下您的摩托艇。请尽量不要沉没,否则您将游回陆地。并尽量减少错误的开始。每次弹枪,您都会被罚款2,000美元,这几乎比游泳还差!

#NintendoSwitch #NES #NintendoSwitchOnline




  1. It's nice how they put random crap like NES games, chat, "special" offers and cloud save, that nobody will use, and put it behind a paywall with ONLINE, main thing, and say : Hey guys, we love ya, so pay 20 BUCKS for the worst a year and be good!
    Seriously, I am starting to hate them

  2. Nintendo: Want a buttload of NES and SNES games for the measly price of $20 a year? Not to mention, paying for this service will allow you to play your Switch games online at no additional charge!
    Internet: No! We want to whine about everything, because we're all entitled jerks!

  3. Jesus
    Why didn't you just sell games on the eshop outright and save us from waiting for crap to appear in this service
    This is just pathetic

  4. I think Nintendo doesn't want us to play plenty amazing retro games for a 20$ year payment when they can just make us pay 60 dollars for 1 new game.
    If you could play 5 zelda games for 20$ a year, maybe you wouldn't pay 60$ for 1 zelda game.

  5. Nintendo must be the most stubborn company on the planet. Even EA finally gave and made a single player Star Wars when the fans wanted it. These SNES and NES videos consistently have more dislikes than likes. NINTENDO LISTEN TO YOUR FANS THEY ARE THE REASON YOU HAVEN’T IMPLODED!

  6. Nintendo Online: Making you pay money to play online, while giving 25 year old games for free that only niche player base will enjoy. And dont even get me started of there God awful voice chat!!!!!

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