奥斯卡2020年纪念Billie Eilish表演

奥斯卡颁奖典礼向在过去的一年中因《 2020年纪念奥斯卡》而去世的著名演员,电影制片人和工匠致敬。 。

  1. Yeah that was weird, a lot of thought, fear "wokness" or political strategy went into that clapping. That version of yesterday with that singer and montage and audience response sums up the state of where we're at as a society better than anything I could possibly write.

  2. I think she is a good singer but there were parts when she was having trouble like losing out of breath on the low notes. I love the Beatles and I really think Billie is a great singer but I think she should've chosen a different song based on performance.

  3. given that the clapping is only at the beginning and end maybe they selectively mixed the audio to mute the clapping? Just a thought…

  4. Отличная музыка, но отвратительное исполнение…
    p.s. Но все почему-то обсуждают хлопание в ладоши.

  5. You people are what's wrong with world always looking for the negative in things. Clap don't clap cry don't cry it should not be that big of a of a deal to turn a great performance in to something spiteful.

  6. https://youtu.be/MHtRN84_5-A can you please click here ? and support my Billie eilish Collaboration Hans spray painted shirt I did for a small girl with cancer for her meet with special make a wish with the Billie x Slavë art collaboration Billie also co signed the art in this video as-well as ordered a neon green hoodie and shorts collab with blohsh and her stylist and mother thanks for supporting was so dope working with Billie

  7. Was wondering why there were so many dislikes, and then i heard the random clapping. The audience went dead silent when it was someone they didn't know. Like what the hell. This is just sad

  8. I was surprised to find such outrage in the comments, I didn’t even think about the clapping while watching. I think it seems natural for people to clap for the ones they knew / cared about more. It’d be absurd for them to clap for 4 minutes straight, right?

  9. It’s so bad. I feel sorry when I watched that. Bad singer with green hair ,,sings” Beatle’s song… This rapes our culture.

  10. As beautiful as this was, the clapping and cheering was absolutely disgusting. With Billie's tourette's and the size if the audience I cant even imagine the amount of concentration shed have to have here to not mess up.
    Also, pretty sure a few people are missing here in the slide show….

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