华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)接受奥斯卡最佳男主角奖

观看华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)的男主角因乔瑟(Arthur Fleck)中的亚瑟·弗莱克(Arthur Fleck)的肖像而获得的2020年奥斯卡获奖感言。在Oscar.com和ABC应用中观看2020年奥斯卡的更多精彩片段! 。

  1. the comment section is a great example of how completely separate we all are. one comment is "this is the best thing ive ever…." and litereally the next comment is "this is the worst thing ive ever…" and the craziest part is both parties believe he/she is absolutely correct.

  2. Stop making these awards season stages as an opportunity to voice your opinions about politics and all the other crap like poverty & environmental issues. When I'm watching these shows, I want to hear about film making…not about cow juice. Ya'll are celebrities for fuck sake. If you want your voices to be heard to the World, take it to Twitter or IG…start a YouTube channel or something. I'm pretty sure most of the celebrities in that room feel the same way as I do but they have to pretend like they care about these issues

  3. lets all watch a man talk for 4 minutes and then come up with as many judgments and assumptions about said man as we possibly can.

  4. I’ve never watched any of his movies but this speech has me inclined to. It’s so beautiful and eloquent and it shows what an amazing human he is

  5. I have delayed watching this speech until I was ready to hear it. I have yet to see the movie either. While an awards show is not necessarily the best place to make a speech such as his, the opportunity to reach out to the largest audience possible can be irresistible. Overall, it is a heart wrenching moment, cows and his veganism aside, about we, as the human race need to be better. We are failing. He was humble and righteous all at once. A true human, lessons learned, speech. May we all gain wisdom as he has shown here.

  6. I don't get why everyone is only talking about Joaquin and his qualities as a person and not any of what he actually just said. I think that he said those things because he wants people to focus on those topics and not only focus on him or how great he is as an actor. I feel like if we truly appreciate him and his incredible work as an actor, then the least we could do to repay him is to give our attention to some of the topics that he was bravely and beautifully addressing here. I personally agree with everything he said and have been doing my best to stop using animal products in my diet. I enjoy how they taste and understand the nutritional value, but it isn't fair to the animals that it was stolen from. The way that mass animal factories affect the environment is also catastrophic from the pollution it causes. The same nutrients available in dairy and meat are easy to replace with delicious staple foods like rice, lentils, potatoes, and all of the other plant foods and vegetables. I'm not vegan, but this is the truth. It's one of the things Joaquin is addressing here that he is asking us to give our attention to! Good job Joaquin! Thank you for speaking up for those without a voice! This is a truly amazing speech!

  7. I recently got an award for employee of the month. When I spoke at the podium, I mentioned politics and got booted from the stage and had the award taken away.

  8. Say Joaquin… grab your award, say thank you and walk off the stage… STFU about that other rubbish… nobody gives a flying fuck…

  9. Sure, they're clapping and cheers sounds good, but I wonder how many of them really understand what he's saying? Trying to get this message across when people just don't seem to care can really takes its toll on a person. He said his piece, and now it's out there for the world to digest. All he can do now, is his part. That's all any of us who believe in what he's saying can do. Lead by example and hope that more will follow

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