




概念:最佳adc 10.3,最佳支持10.3,最佳中路10.3,最佳丛林人10.3,最佳顶级路人10.3,补丁10.3失败,10.3大声笑,10.3更改,新英雄联盟,op中路人10.3,op顶级路人10.3 op丛林人10.3,op adcs 10.3 op支持10.3,第10季更改,sett nerfs 10.3,Ekko nerfs 10.3,Diana nerfs 10.3,Akali nerfs 10.3,Miss fortune nerfs 10.3,Senna nerfs 10.3,Sona nerfs 10.3,Leona nerfs 10.3,Rumble nerf Aphelios nerfs 10.3,Lucian nerfs 10.3,Jungle EXP buff 10.3,Jungle buff 10.3,Sejuani buff 10.3,Galio buffs 10.3,yuumi buffs 10.3,Azir buffs 10.3,Corki buffs 10.3,Ezreal buffs 10.3,战斗机游戏,暴动游戏战斗机英雄FPS游戏,英雄联盟射击游戏,防暴游戏射击游戏,防暴游戏FPS游戏,RIot游戏交易纸牌游戏,英雄联盟交易纸牌游戏,Runeterra的传奇,Riot游戏动漫,英雄联盟动漫,英雄联盟移动,大声笑移动,团队作战战术移动,莱格联赛ds电子竞技经理,英雄联盟MMORPG,防暴游戏MMORPG,Fiddlesticks重做,Volibear重做,Senna,新冠军Senna,Teamfight Tactics





Anthony“ 5mi” Hong https://twitter.com/its5mi?s=09

游戏古玩,PhyLoL,RedMercy,PantsAreDragon,Foxdrop,Gosu,Team Liquid,Crombz,Alex Ich,Stanley,Toyz,BarbaKahn,Dama G,ReubenMaster,Morrocrux,ValloPerroLoco,StatikGamer,TheCatacroquer,Quas,BoxBox,Calbel,Huzzy,尼古拉

#tierlist #proguides#联盟#Season9。

  1. Well I do Play Zed Jungle Since His release even in Season 9 Plus Diana was already Viable as Jungler cause of her E knock-up Now the Rework made her a better Ganker than Before level 6 Now they Just Buffed it alot Zed was the Best Jungler before with Lizard Elder tail blessing was one the best Items for jungler and Madreds Bloodrazor Season 5 was the time they Change Zed W from Percent AD to Added AD 15-35 then Removed it then Passed it to His Ult Everytime He Kills someone with his Ult He Gained 5%/10%/20% AD Ratio of his Enemy and Removed it Again and Made him Bottom 30 Jungle Champion at Season 8 to 9 Now Jungle Zed Will Rise Once Again

  2. i'm such a slu.t for Lux. Use her in a Thumbnail and I will click it.
    Also.. I can't focus on what Nathan is saying damn it ?

  3. Riot have some problems if they want to make champions like Zed, Talon and Darius to be junglers. I dont want this changes and if its possible to get previous Zed who could stack AD and stop being trash champ no more

  4. Between the pocket pick video and this one, you guys are killing me with the corny jokes lolol xD
    You guys are TOTAL dorks, but that's why we love ya – SO DON'T CHANGE!! ^_^ (nerds & dorks are awsm!)
    Also. buffing Caitlyn and making Mord a jungler? K, so can i get my Attack Speed back for Jungle QiQi then??? And might as well buff Senna ADC too if ur buffing already-strong adc's?!?!?!?! o__O

  5. Talon jungle… are they insane? jumping walls will give him WAY to good a ganks and let him move through the jungle super quickly to clear quickly. That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

  6. Where do they come up with these ideas? What moron thinks Darius jungle is a good idea? The client barely functions and this is what they focus on…

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