在Nintendo Switch上获得RUNE FACTORY 4的10大理由

RUNE FACTORY 4在Nintendo Switch上兴奋的10个理由!您是否对RUNE FACTORY 4 Special On Nintendo Switch大肆宣传? -一包中有一点Stardew山谷,Harvest Moon和Zelda吗?什么不会让您兴奋的:)





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  1. How could they “take the best” from a game that came out 3 years after it? Stardew Valley took from Harvest Moon/Rune Factory. Not the other way around.

  2. Wait, who's in the English cast? I know that Bryce and Melissa are reprising their rolls as the protagonists. But how else is in the cast for this game? I couldn't read them since the text is so small.

  3. I actually pre-ordered the archival edition as soon as possible, which was before I even had a switch. XD I was that excited for this game. And now I do have a switch, so I am extra excited.

  4. When i was playing it for the first time, i spent 422 hours on it. Never played another game longer than that before. Cant wait to replay it on the switch!

  5. Is Rune Factory 5 still coming out ??? I always liked these games on the wii rather than the 3DS because of the different style and quality 🙂

  6. I'm a veteran of the series, I've played every game and completed them all 100%… These are some the top 15 reasons I love RF4…. There is obviously more, like story etc, but the games mechanics are amazing
    1. Waifus
    2. Husbandos
    3. Farming gold juice
    4. Farming levelizers
    5. Maxing every single crop level
    6. Tame boss monsters
    7. Avoiding the useless NPC Doug
    8. STR, VIT, INT, etc….Cap at 99999
    9. Playing 1k hours in HD
    10. Level cap 10,000
    11. Destroying your soil, and then reviving it to max growth speed
    12. Sharance maze
    13. Retarded drop rates
    14. Diamond brooch is the only accessory that you need to be op
    15. Making broken weapons (ask me what it is in a reply)

  7. I reason not to: just bought the game a mere 3 days before this version anounced during one of the rare periods of time where you actually had money to buy a new game

    ;;w;; i'm really enjoying it for the ds but if I had known about this I would of been happy to just wait, now I regret it, I play as the male character because I just didn't lile how the girl looked and I regret not being able to marry any of the dudes XD

  8. I missed this series so much. I was afraid RF4 would be the last one; that was the rumor I'd heard anyway. I played that game all the way through….twice. I mean, ALL the way through, I.E. Got to NG+ level, farmed 10 and 2 fold steel for the perfect armor and weapons…got, probably at least 150+ hrs.

  9. Ahhhh!! Stop it!!! My heart can't take this much excitement and joy!! I'm so excited for the games return. I remember first playing the game a lot when I was only 12. Now I'll be 19 for it's return. I'm so happy!

  10. I have a question. As a new comer to the game where does newlyweds mode fit in? Can you or should you just dive into newlyweds mode, or is it more of a new game +, or post game experience? Just really confused on how it works, though I'm intrigued cause I'll admit I'm mainly in these games for the relationships and character building. I loved that aspect of Stardew. And I hear this game has excellent writing considering the hurtles of localization since it's originally in Japanese.

  11. I'm kinda hesitant to buy it on the switch, since I barely touched my 3DS version. I think I'll hold off and buy into other stuff at the moment, since I already have the game.

    Now, that Rune Factory 5, though…

  12. Rune Factory is my favorite game series and while I don’t know if 4 is my favorite (Frontier and Tides of Destiny/Oceans are very special to me), I think RF4 is certainly the best in the series. Can’t wait to play at the end of the month!

    Also I see the voice actors are credited this time. YAY!

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