观看奉俊镐的当下最佳瞬间| 2020年奥斯卡




  1. I'm sure that win means we'll get a fresh flood of films in the next years from Hollywood!

    Cause let's be honest. Tarantino and Scorsese will hardly film anything fresh anymore. We've already seen their work to the greatest extent.

    Bong and all the newer directors we haven't heard of yet – can!

  2. Yaaay! Bong Joon-Ho was my absolute favorite director for like 10 years and I was waiting and waiting for him to be recognized as the best director in the world!
    Freaking great year for cinema!!

  3. I can't wait to see what the next 5-10 years in cinema will be like thanks to this glorious win!

    I'm sure the cinema will become so much more diverse and we'll see many different tastes rather than just one predominately american one.

    It will be a great decade in cinema!

  4. Such a class act. Well played sir. Yet the dumbasses out there mocked Scorsese for speaking the truth about superhero movies not being real cinema. Real recognize real.

  5. Like him, his translator, and their partnership. It's good that he lets her talk for him, instead of trying too hard but then being criticised about not speaking good English like other Asian people would be laughed at.

  6. The Parasite cast were honestly snubbed and it's a shame that Song Kang Ho wasn't able to get a few words in during the Best Picture speech. I wish the Oscars had an ensemble acting category as well, especially for films like this which are so focused on a group of characters rather than one or two, and which are played by an amazing batch of actors.

  7. Only if more people would give foreign movies a chance, but they're so scared of reading subtitles. Most of my favorite movies are foreign, shit the animated ones I've seen are better than most any american animated movie that has won an oscar before.

  8. When Bong gave honor to Martin Scorsese & the rest of the directors…. It was truly epic for me!! This is truly a very humble man…. More movies for you sir!

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