亲爱的索尼… PS5在哪里?

下一代系统指日可待,我们仍在等待PS5的外观。索尼一直很安静,到目前为止只分享了一些小细节。另一方面,Microsoft提前一年将Xbox Series X展示了出来,并且其设计和功能更加透明。这导致了很多关于PS5的假货和泄漏,导致索尼制作了一个官方网站,概述了此时他们没有任何共享的事实。


  1. The same place the Xbox Series X is…

    Microsoft haven't shown anything. Looking at the design of a systems casing tells you virtually nothing about the system itself. If we were shown the PS5 shell today we'd be none the wiser to what's inside.

  2. Sony: Ramping up internet excitement with rumour and hyperbole: See this video…
    Microsoft: Nervously on a pointless award ceremony ~ A PC style steam and streaming box when lain down under all TVs: XShoeBoxX !

  3. We already know PS5 is gonne be a failure.. I'm not even worry about it anymore.. The Hype is all gone. I dont care anymore.. Microsoft grabbed Sony by the balls and Sony has nothing to fall on.. by the time they announced the PS5 I wont even be surprised because I already saw what the Series X can do.. I know Sony is not gonna have anything new the Microsoft wont have..

  4. I said it before and I said it again, Sony and PS5 is a psyop created by several intelligence agencies and underground societies (including remnants of the soviets).

  5. I'm not sure why everyone is so surprised by Sony's silence for their details on the PlayStation 5.
    It's been known for a little while that they have an event planned for the end of February. It seems perfectly reasonable considering that the console won't even be available until late this year.

  6. I don't care. I did not buy an Xbox One until 7 months after the "S" version came out. I did not buy a PS4 until 7 months after the Slim version came out. Never buy a first gen of a next gen.

  7. Probably around e3 Or soon. We actually have a lot of games coming around September. Watch dogs 3, cyberpunk 2077. But really you don’t want to build up hype too early.
    If most games will be for last gen for a while then I could possible wait to buy the ps5. Only if theirs a few games I really want to buy their wouldn’t really be a reason to upgrade.

  8. My guess is that they are back tracking, and going to let Microsoft go ahead and show off obsolete tech. Sony Google and Facebook all know that VR/AR/Cloud Computing is the future. Sony sees this, and is letting Microsoft set them selves up for failure. Anyone who follows economics or day trades will confirm this according to investor trends over the past year or so. Microsoft will sell their obsolete console, take the money are run, and Sony went back to the drawing board after seeing what google and Facebook are coming out with, and they are scared because they have been unrivaled for some time, and now they have no choice but to innovate over the other companies, lest they lose a console sale war… but thats just my opinion from my experiences.

  9. I usually get both systems so it don't bother me but Xbox series x I'm getting first of course especially after seeing how godfall looks for ps5 idk honestly looked like a PS4 game and mad generic so if that's. What they showing first then I'll stick to my Xbox series x till later down the line I'll get the ps5

  10. The issue with Sony is not just the PS5, its what they are going to do beyond the console. Namely PS games coming out for PC (Which, like it or not, its already happening and its not going to end), Streaming cloud services, Gamepass style of services, backwards compatibility and lets be truthful here, Microsoft said that they will not have exclusive games for 1 to 2 years for the series X. People have confused that statement. Microsoft is not going to have a game exclusive to the series X that leaves Xbox One S or X owners behind. Games on the system are X86 api, which means, depending on a game developed for the series X, it would downscale for Xbox One S or X, but the better top notch version of such game would play to its fullest on the newer system, just like games currently do on the PC. Now, with that being said, Sony is not going to leave PS4 or pro owners behind either, so I doubt Sony will have exclusive games only to the PS 5 and alienating its huge system fan base. Not all 108 million PS 4 owners will jump right away to purchase a PS 5, so they will not have exclusive games for PS 5 only for the next 1 to 2 years, just like Microsoft. The number 1 to 2 years means, they would be fazing the older systems out in favor of the newer system.

    The reality is this, Sony will be looking to capitalize on money made outside the PS 5 box and that is on services. Microsoft may not have sold a lot of system, but they are making billions in Gamespass subscriptions and games sold from that subscription as well. Systems are pretty much of a loss for both Sony and Microsoft, its the software where the money is made, not the box. Yet, how is Sony going to compete in the ever growing streaming service. Stadia, Xcloud, Nvidea streaming service and it will not end there, Amazon and Apple may be looking into getting into the game cloud streaming service, they both have cloud infrastructure to make it happen. Which is why Microsoft stated that they would be more of a competition than Sony and Nintendo. You have to consider that Streaming services are a big deal and that's going to take a bite out of owning a console. It's easier to release a streaming service out there to people in the world where a console may be a bit to expensive, or not available. It's a global reach, Streaming services is not a replacement to owning a console and both Microsoft and Sony are committed to consoles, but there will come a time where gaming will be delivered directly to your TV without one. Technology is growing, digital purchases are a thing. So Sony does not just need to show off a console, they need to show off a long term game plan. Last gen is in the rear view mirror. Microsoft is coming out big and hard with 16+ gaming studios all developing exclusives for Xbox, but they are also expanding on gamepass, Xcloud, backwards compatibility and who knows what else. So, Sony needs to bring more than just a console. They know it, because there's been a shake up and a re-organization with in Sony. Sony has made a partnership with Microsoft for its Azure cloud service, so they see the writing on the wall.

    Sony will be planing a big reveal and like I said, I doubt what ever game is coming out to show off the system will not be exclusive to only PS5, they will have games for PS4/pro as well. Yet, there needs to be a long term plan beyond just a gaming console.

  11. Sony shouldn't announce shit until Xbox FULLY announce their Console.
    Sony doesn't need to release a console this year cause PS4 will still be strong in 2020.

  12. Dear Kevin, you do know that this generation isn't over, right? Just because the losing party has nothing to offer till next gen isn't Sony's problem. Sony's in the lead and we still have major titles coming to PS4 like FF7, Ghost Of Tsushima and Last Of Us 2 which may all be awards winners.

  13. I like Sony's approach reveal the console when you have a price. Microsoft's visual design reveal was pretty much nothing to me cause it didn't answer any of the important questions. What's under the hood and how much does it cost? Sony will probably want to keep things under wraps so the reveal event will be more meaningful. I honestly think it would've been cooler if the design for the XBSX was revealed at the same time they reveal the tech/price.

  14. It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 taking longer has something to do with guys like Shawn Layden leaving or changing roles and then their replacements trying to get settled and deciding how they want to take PS forward. Not saying people should worry, but I wouldn't be surprised if PS5 turns out less consumer friendly and they're trying to finalize prices or marketing. Who knows, but you gotta hope it's not some problem with the hardware, right?

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