PCIe 4.0将如何转变游戏! [PC vs PS5 vs Xbox Series X] |技术专家

什么是PCIe 4.0,它将如何改变游戏?借助提供PCIe 4.0支持的最新AMD主板和三星SSD,您是否应该使用它构建新的游戏PC? PCIe 4.0将如何影响下一代游戏机-PS5和Xbox Series X? e PCIe 4.0主板-
?PCIe 4.0 SSD-

#PCH硬件#PS5 #XboxSeriesX

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  1. Hey chaps! Bonus points if you count how many times I say PCIe 4.0 ?

    (Also – latest reports suggest PS5 storage will be faster than Xbox Series X (which will use DRAM-less PCIe 4.0). We'll hopefully know more soon!

  2. AMD is the creator / founder of 7mm Nanometer and PCIe-4.0 tech, that means AMD has the Copyright / Patent for 7mm Nanometer and PCIe-4.0. With that AMD beats every opponent. 100% true fact by chronologically history.

    AMD belongs to China(?) if I'm not wrong, it's only sad that they have a headquarter in America, why AMD just why?! Better you make your headquarter in China and in Russia.

  3. PCie 4.0 is not as expensive as you're suggesting. While x570 motherboards are considered "premium", they are not that much more than the older chipsets, and certainly no more than you would pay for a premium Intel board. If you factor in that Ryzen 3000 series CPUs are cheaper than their Intel counterparts, you're not really paying any more for a Gen 4 capable platform. The only costly parts are the Gen 4 devices (namely SSDs), and as you said, they are getting cheaper all the time.

    The real benefit, though, from a platform that uses PCie 4.0, is the doubling of bandwidth between the CPU and the chipset. If you use a lot of I/O devices (SATA, USB, and any of the PCie slots on your motherboard other than the x16), they are all being funnelled through one PCie x4 connection. At 3.94 GB/s total bandwidth (for PCie 3.0), for the sum of all those devices, the potential is there for a bottleneck. PCie 4.0 doubles the bandwidth of that connection, meaning the chance of any bottleneck occurring is greatly reduced (back to the point of being unlikely).

    I think you do people a disservice warning people off these platforms. If you're building a computer now, there's a good chance you will find a use for 4.0 within the lifespan of that computer.

  4. gday..i have 2X1TB samsung 970 pro PCLE 3…. NVME in Raid…on my ASUS Z390I MOTHERBOARD….2X 32GB RAM.STICKS.AND ITS STILL TOO SLOW……BRING ON PCLE4…CAUSE 3.8GB P/S…ISNT FAST.. ENOUGH….i got into pc when dos3.1 and 5 inch floppy discs was a thing..so i dont want any tortoise crap any more..

  5. For consumers, PCIe 4.0 is overkill, at this time. However, it will be great for compute and servers as it can remove a lot of painful bottlenecks.

  6. I love Xbox but Microsoft seriously needs to work on their game library because honestly PlayStation has the games which entice gamers to want a PS5 like the Final Fantasy VII remake, Nioh 2, The Last of Us part 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn, and many others. Xbox only has a few I can think of off the top of my head like a Halo, Gears of War, and Forza Horizon. and if you already have a decent gaming computer there's not much incentive to get a new Xbox because most if not all the Xbox games are also available on PC. I think it makes a lot of gamers feel like they just need to buy a PS5, a Nintendo switch, and have a gaming computer. All bases covered

  7. Similar to when AGP first arrived on PC's, very few cards took advantage of the extra bandwidth till competition did. The de goes for the latest PCIE 4 video cards. I would honestly give it another year; however, the same can't be said for storage solutions that are exploding like a new revolution…going from 60mb physical drives to 3500mbs.

  8. I would say if you are building a new system today or upgrading the platform any way you might as well get PCIe 4.0 capable system. I would argue for 90 percent of desktop users AMD is a better value than intel so can't see a reason to stick with intel unless you have a really good reason. And there are several reasonably priced x570 motherboards out there. But if you already have a system that is running and working probably not worth upgrading just for PCIe 4.0. I really am waiting for Intel to come out with something that competes at stuff other than gaming and single-threaded. but I am really not confident it will happen any time soon.

  9. PCIe4 is the only way to edit 8k footage in real time for the moment. So if you work with RED 8k camera, you pretty much have to get a PCIe4 storage setup, and a very high core count cpu.

  10. I'm just gonna wait till Intel bypasses PCIe 4 and goes straight to PCIe 5.0 sometime next year. Then we will get new graphics cards, and SSDs that are both PCIe 5.0

  11. The way you say the speed is overkill. Sure, if we are talking ONLY about bandwidth available for the video card. But right now, getting double the storage speed via the new PCIe 4 m.2 drives, then this is SUPER useful. Especially when we consider the prices of the new PCIe 4 m.2 drives, which are VERY close to PCI 3 ones. For me, getting super fast storage like that means faster boots, faster software loads, faster video/3d rendering when it's caching, loading, and saving; and faster game region loads. So not only would a person be future-proofing for future faster video cards, but they'd be now-proofing for a much faster computer in every way a computer benefits from faster storage.

  12. Well, they will need to upgrade Windows 10 also… it's like with SSD… what's with faster drives if the system is not ready for fast operations.

  13. Consoles are budget pcs, they never target highend PC gamers.
    They have budget parts. pcie4 is not budget at all, it costs motherboard+ssd wise as much as a console lol… in one year it wont change much, especially intel is not bringing out any alternatives…
    For consoels SSDs even sata are super fast storage comapred to HDDs they used to have. Their SSDs will be multiple times slower than highend pcie4 ones..
    Pcie4 SSDs are just faster SSDs most of them still not bottlenecked by pcie3, just in special raid setups.

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