MSFT“ PlayStation,任天堂不是我们的竞争对手”的说法被剖析;冠状病毒PS5事件延迟?

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  1. Too much bla bla about the past 5 years and traditional console wars. There are only 3 companies with strong global cloud capabilities. Over time this will determine the winners and losers not who is ahead at the moment in selling physical formats. Even Sony's CEO acknowledged the impkrtance of users over units sold.

  2. But there is no cloud war at all. That conclusion is a piece of cake. Stadia do nothing at the moment. Amazon has no streaming service at all. Then what does Microsoft compete with?

    If Microsoft people wants to dock Gamepass subscriptions on the PC and Xbox, fine. But Playstation is still going to focus on the console and the games, and earn double money again. Nintendo too, by the way. Both companies don't care what Microsoft does.

  3. Yup, the real enemy is Chinese government and its corona virus ?。 the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are BFF for now

  4. I own all consoles and Fanboys are stupid. Its not hard to understand Sony wants to win console wars. MS is building a bigger eco system that includes consoles, PC games, cloud games as well as growing Azure cloud service even bigger. They know the money is in games and services and that is why they dont care where you play your games as long as your in there eco system. Sony could build a cloud server but it takes alot of money and time that is why Sony is paying MS to use theres. I love my PS4 but I dont just ignore what there saying.

  5. Phil : Nintendo and Sony are not the Competition.

    Me : You got it all wrong it’s more like Nintendo and Sony doesn’t consider Xbox a competition.

    Seriously Microsoft exclusive games make systems successful not just upgrading hardware. At this point when someone has a good PC why would he wanna buy Xbox if it neither offers dedicate exclusives and requires you to buy a membership for gaming online.

    Come on Xbox bring some good exclusives to your system. At this point ps4 has so many awesome exclusive games you can’t play anywhere else.

  6. the unknown brings the fear out of people Microsoft is in a unique position to make this a reality because they have the cloud services and a highly successful gaming platform once they started to buy studios they now have the opportunity to make content. this is big business not for the consoles fanboyism. Sony will also do the same thing once they get there cloud services running on azure and then the fanboys will say best thing to happen in gaming. it's called a hobby and to many adults behave like children.

  7. 7 Billion??? WTF is talking about? How many of those 7 Billion Microsoft must give some food first before trying to sell games? Is he living in another earth? Fdx.

  8. Great presentation of information. Concise and to the point. It will be interesting to look back 5 years from now and see how the speculations and predictions hold up. I hope the people that are all "gloom and doom" about the cloud gaming future realize that its an option, not a requirement. How amazing will it be to get off your couch, go jump on a bus/plane/train and continue playing the game you just left at home. As someone who never seems to find enough time for gaming i welcome this exciting new future!

  9. Considering Microsoft makes per year MORE then what Sony is actually worth, I would tend to agree that Sony is a fly compared to Microsoft and not their competitors.

  10. Sony and Nintendo are always going to be xbox's biggest competitors and both Nintendo and Sony are leading the market and Microsoft is no where near catching up to them so it doesn't matter what they come out with

  11. Foxy I think you should go through your comments section and read the extreme cultist like attitude of people who simply just act like everything Phil says is right. It's absurd to even call these people "gamers". Microsoft has been actively showing they are willing to leave hardware and focus on services. First it was play anywhere and lack of exclusives and Xbox fanatics praised it and said it's going to make the userbase larger? Funny, didn't seem like Nintendo or Sony have problems there but I digress.
    Next it was Gamepass with day 1 new releases available. Casuals raved, actual gamers were shocked because this means the game itself is no longer worth $59 asking price. Someone is going into the red doing this, but the fanatics praised it and even outlets are claiming it's so good. I'm confused how can a system nearly identical to PS Now but minus 600+ games can be better than PS Now which covers titles from original PlayStation up to current one. Oh it's the price, but you still are getting far less for your money. I don't know, but facts remain Gamepass was a promo for getting casuals and those who don't care about price/worth ratios.

    Up next is XCloud, mind you no cloud gaming service can deal with distance induced latency, simply because physics exist. Xbox fanatics are praising it, carefully selected testers who are close to internet nodes are most likely chosen for best results in testing. While it's better than Stadia, it's going to be the same at the mercy of acts of God and your entertainment will be largely a rental service.

    Too much not owning, casual heavy oriented stuff from Microsoft. They are so greedy for subscriptions, they forced Sony users to have it just to use the newest Minecraft addition, Minecraft worked fine without subs before, suddenly when Microsoft Xbox needs subs to bolster their flailing business division, Minecraft requires a Microsoft account. I can't seem to like this company in gaming at all, they've gone from arrogant jackass to perpetually arrogant jackass.

    What about what Phil said sounds so much like 24hr check in from 2013, but now it's you'll need internet infinitely if you choose those service. Yikes, didn't Phil turn the ship around from the wreck Mattrick caused? Lol, these people know nothing about business management.

  12. delusional spencer, a quick check on the net reveals that there are approx 670 million games consoles sold worldwide from gen 1 on…..and the percentage of earth population with internet access is about 4.48 billion.
    most of us want a box under the tv and media to put in it at will, with the ability to lend to mates sell on etc,
    not being tethered to a phone line that may fail at any given time or be suspended ,or console specific black out like psn 2011…

  13. Yet another crazy idea… Why not use the 'cloud' as an additive to games? Ie radio stations when driving in cars? Random sounds and voices in Horror games? Random sounds of nature in jungle scenes etc. Emotion driven atmospheric music based on in game action using AI and Cloud?

  14. RIP X Box. I don't EVER wanna hear these annoying X Box fanbase trash PlayStation EVER again. YOUR leader aka Phil Spencer, GAVE UP and surrendered to SONY.

  15. Most people are totally retarded when they hear stuff and react, not actually getting the message, video content makers included

    Sony will always win the consoles generation or Nintendo!

    Why .. becuse of them being Asian companies..

    Open your eyes, the culture is loyal and engrained in them from childhood..
    That's a huge fact !!

    No if's or buts
    You can't compete against a whole culture..

    And people saying Microsoft have failed or are being disrespectful..

    Wake up..

    They are stating facts ans strategy it's a long game not a sprint ..
    And they know this..

    Look at online gaming, look at digital downloads every one was crying about it, who even trades games anymore..
    Its dying out !!!
    Or swaps with a friend, kids maybe not me .. its game pass, or the odd exclusive on playstation, ans in reality I mean odd !

    Microsoft knew this..

    And they know that they can compete in CLOUD gaming, unlike some others, this is a 7 billion market, just becuse it's not big now doesn't mean it won't be in the future.. they have invested Billions into this !!!!

    They are not stupid, or dumb..
    I have both consoles and will have both again, but in all honesty playstation had a few more exclusives. .

    Big wow ..
    For main gaming the X is better than pro..
    Online it's better, but ps4 had some great exclusives, but they are all old now..
    Bar death stranding which is …. well, up to your taste I suppose.

    So let's see what the next 5 years brings, as I'm betting both will be great !!!!
    And I expect big things with MS, they have invested loads and have new studios, the most powerful console, and a big future with cloud. .
    They are investing so all us sony fans should be happy !!!

    Why, we need competition. . And I feel PS will be scrambling to copy yet again with cloud gaming..

    So many stupid comments, ans misunderstood people

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