AWS是否准备好大规模提供无服务器WebSocket? (英国西蒙·塔博尔)

到目前为止,构建WebSocket服务应该很容易,但是仍然非常困难。随着AWS AppSync和API网关的WebSockets的推出,我们可以使用无服务器技术构建大规模的WebSockets服务吗?我们可以采取哪些步骤来构建具有全球弹性的解决方案? 。

  1. Really nice presentation! Thanks for the insights in all these services.

    Since you didn't got ask any questions, I have a few easy ones:

    – Did you guys considered using Google Firestore service?
    It provides real time updates to subscribers and it is meant to scale pretty nicely.

    – In the final architecture, the lambda that triggers after AWS Gateway requests, writes into DB and then publish to an SNS topic. Did you explore using DynamoDB stream subscription to replace SNS topics?
    It provides a really nice integration with Lambda and out-of-the-box retry functionality.

    – Is your ECS solution running Fargate or EC2?

    Thanks and again really nice talk!

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