2020年奥斯卡|詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)和叛军威尔逊(Rebel Wilson)饰演“ Cats” |狐狸

是鸟吗?是飞机吗?不,是詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)和叛逆威尔逊(Rebel Wilson)打扮成猫,玩着麦克风,直到房间开始不舒服为止。距奥斯卡奖片刻绝对不能错过。


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更多《 2020年奥斯卡奖》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiWV7u4JGxAqY_2wiyTITSrVO-nAnsah5

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  1. They could've spared a second from their "performance" to insert a picture of Luke Perry in the In Memoriam section… Since the Academy said they had "limited time". ?

  2. Rendering, lighting, fur, simulations – all very good. Anyone who knows VFX and sees the film from an ACTUAL VFX perspective will know it isn't bad at all. The problem was the design in general. Everything from the characters to the plot. They made a lazy remake and tried distracting everyone with big names and hype to make a quick dollar as is the pattern in Hollywood. James Corden and Rebel Wilson can go fuck themselves, a cube has more polys than they have brain cells between them. Shit like this is why I work in games.

  3. I cannot believe that they are blaming this on vfx artists! The reason it looks so bad is the director rushed the production so they can compete with the star wars movie. PATHETIC

  4. Don't blame the visual effects for the shitty storyline, bad design choices and a slew of other problems that this movie had. The vfx artists were the same ones that worked on lion king. Night and day difference.

  5. Those guys are disgusting, blaming the vfx artists is the lamest possible way of getting the sympathy of the audience. Shame on them, and shame on all those indecently rich actors who are laughing at their skit.

  6. They can honestly fuck off, trying to throw overworked VFX artists under the bus, as if poor visual effects was the only bad thing about the movie CATS. The vfx artists had to little time to work on this movie, and all they are doing is bringing the designers idea to life. If anything the designers of this horrible feline design should be blamed. VFX artists in hollywood are currently being worked to death with little to no care from the higher ups.

  7. If it wasn't for VFX there would be no movies today – In 10 years actors will be all CGI characters. Why pay whining overpaid actors when you can create non whining characters.

  8. For them to come out like that and slate the thousands of people who worked on the VFX for cats, who are probably very well skilled in their field and insult them like that. Be angry at the people who produced and conceptualised the characters, the actual VFX artists are just doing their job whilst being under paid and over worked.

  9. The director actually was the one who messed up the movie. The songs were sung well the acting was good(its more about the songs anyway), and though the CGI was not perfect, they did what they could do considering they were rushed. The movie was not put together well, the direction was awful and the director did a huge disservice to everyone involved in this movie.

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