
我们标志着量子计算研究的一个重要里程碑,为这项技术打开了新的可能性。了解Google AI Quantum团队如何在称为“量子至上性”的实验中演示量子计算机如何执行传统计算机无法完成的任务。


  1. ?‍?? I dont understand why they make Such a small CPU when they have room in a quantum pc ? you would think why not make a 6" combo chip
    they can add more on ? OK drones & personal pcs yeah but Quantum pc ? different story guys ?‍♂️??

  2. It's crazy how when u watch a video from "Google YouTube Channel" on YouTube, all the recommended videos underneath this video are all from Google….how's that for algorithms.

    That's how you know Google owns YouTube and it's algorithms.

  3. qauntum mechanics might be telling us the universe is contained in a space the size of the smallest particle detectable this computer idea maybe they should call it something else

  4. The trouble is that you are still at the stage of "Figure out something to do with it". The Qbit idea is nothing more than a trinary controller system. That entails three states: True, False and Maybe. But the state "Maybe" has to be supplied if you want to provide a solution of any kind. The consequence is that the indeterminate state does not make a contribution other than supply possibilities which expand at the rate of the most efficient expansion between "states per bit" versus the "highest numerical value". The Base 3 numbering system is the highest compression system available among all possible numbering systems. Let's see how the number of states per base works. The Binary system is the lowest system possible. it has 2 states. A bit with only one state per bit is how prisoners mark their stay in prison when they have no access to a calendar.

    So, let's compare several numbering systems or number bases:
    Binary: 2^1=2 (number of states are 2×1=2 states), 2^2=4 (2×2=4 states), 2^3=8 (2×3=6 states), 2^4=16 (2×4=8 states), 2^5=32 (2×5=10 states), 2^6=64 (2×6=12 states)
    Trinary: 3^1=3 (number of states are 3×1=3 states), 3^2=9 (3×2=6 states), 3^3=27 (3×3=9 states), 3^4=81 (3×4=12 states)
    Quad: 4^1=4 (number of states are 4×1=4 states), 4^2=16 (4×2=8 states), 4^3=64 (4×3=12 states)
    Now we compare the 12 state results:
    Binary [ 2^6=64 (2×6=12 states) ]
    Trinary [ 3^4=81 (3×4=12 states) ]
    Quad [ 4^3=64 (4×3=12 states) ]
    The shocking reality is that with the same number of states the Trinary base system can pack more numbers per state. It almost seems impossible at first, but it is real and the magnetic hard disk drives, these days, take advantage of this to pack more data in less magnetic states, although they do not understand clearly what they are doing. I assume that they have not formalized this via mathematics… But I may be wrong about that… (Feedback is welcome.)

    Anyway, The "unknown state" of the Trianary bit is useful in logic, but it has to be set to reduce the possibilities and approach the correct solution. The human brain is wired for that operation. That is how we deduce things and that is what research is all about. We are always searching to set the "unknown bit" to reduce the complexity of the problem. The great thing about the human mind is that we can comprehend and articulate the path to the unknown state in order to reduce complexity.

    I worked on this issue in the 70's and it was very exciting to me. It leads to the plane of deductive reasoning, which is an automatic process in the human brain. Outside of that, the best application for the Trinary system is compression. Here is what compression can be achieved with the Trinary system:

    Using the Binary system 2^45 = 35,184,372,088,832 or 34 Terrabytes (2×45 = 90 states)
    Using the Trinary system 3^30 = 205,891,132,094,649 or 206 Terrabytes (3×30 = 90 states)
    Ratio: 5.85 times more data space.

    It is amusing to see how people have arrived at this junction and recognize that they have something interesting and yet have no clue what to do with it. There are many more exciting ideas where this can be applied, but I refuse to be that generous at this stage.

    By the way, no one to date has demonstrated Quantum Supremacy. A binary processor can be wired to achieve the same results when the processor is constructed as a controller designed for the specific task. A PC processor is not designed to be a mathematical controller and the comparison between an Intel processor and a Quantum Controller is ridiculous.

  5. The amount of data would be so complex that it would have to have its own feild of study called RGBioPixel™ Pixelology
    Eventually will have RGBioVoxel© N8 computing matter interaction I Ivan KoJin want Some credit for this contribution

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