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您绝不会看到的可怕的TikTok视频。今天,我们看一些来自世界各地的用户录制的令人毛骨悚然的TikTok剪辑。 TikTok变得非常流行。用户用它捕获一些幽灵是很自然的!
@:[email protected]
#tiktok #scarytiktok #tiktokmemes。

  1. I'm not a Tik Tok user.
    The site seems silly to me.
    Just a bunch of youngsters with too much time on their hands.
    They need to go play outside and get some fresh air.

  2. Hay frosty cheers from revelstoke Canada just so u know i got mad props for ya bro stay away from that kent and shadow dude guy he is completely lieing to us

  3. That personality Kim Winchester has is the worst thing on here. How gross is it she's running around swearing with patients around her (possibly) and or just on a professional level. Have some damn tact about the way you carry yourself.

  4. that nurse voice is so annoying. "YO WHO TF DID DEH?? WHO LEGIT JUS DID DEH??" come on man you have a college education. talk like you have some sense

  5. The next to the last one was my favorite. Extremely creepy! So, King Frostmare, tell me,…have you gotten any updates from this guy? The “where is everybody” guy? I’d be highly interested in watching more of his dilemma and if he’s able to escape his circumstances. I have many questions. Thanks.

  6. To be honest with you, the one with the parallel universe activity going on is sorta still freaking me out. I’ve watched it at least 5 times already and I still can’t make any sense of it. I’m prolly gonna watch it another 5 or maybe 20 but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a recap! I’m so curious by the shadow people he saw, they might be from our time now and he’s stepped into another. EVERYTHING he’s filmed already is so peculiar yet shocking, please get us more and try to get in contact with the dude??

  7. Hey King? weisst Du wass Echt Cool wäre? ( Ist auch als Tip gemeint ) wenn Du Deine Videos mit Wählbaren Deutschen Untertitel versehen würdest. Es gibt sehr viele Menschen Die Dich gerne Schauen würden, dessen Englisch aber ein wenig Eingerostet ist. Vielleicht magst Du Ja mal darüber nachdenken?.
    Ich glaube dass würde auch Deine Fanbase vergrössern?. Würde mich und vorallem ganz viele Andere User Freuen. LG Brina

  8. the 2nd 1 was a real person , no doubt in my mind . it,s just that guy,s attempt to go viral i reckon, urghh and the white girl from the suburbs trying to sound all ghetto ! NO, NO STOP IT, stop it now please

  9. The third video is staged. The last little clip of the figure crawling on the floor, I don't know, it is creepy regardless but the others don't seem real at all because of the way she is acting. That one was on another channel and they showed more of it where there was a person outside of a door and as she was walking to it, she puts her phone down so it's recording the floor and when she puts it back up, he's mysteriously gone! Because she points her phone to the floor to give the dude time to get out of the frame so it looks like it was a ghost that disappeared.

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