OUTRIDERS游戏性演练第1部分-我的第一个PS5 Xbox系列X游戏@GameRiot

Outriders演练第1部分-Outriders PC游戏玩法第1部分
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  1. The graphics are generic, either way 60fps is way more sastifactory and smooth than 30 and below even with shallow graphics! 60 any day! It'll probably be a few years before we see insanely photo realistic or sharp games

  2. Click bait title. Please change your title to say your playing it on PC. Not a next gen console. And also that you're using an XBOX Controller.

  3. This game would looks great if it was a launch PS4 title. This barely looks good enough to pass for a late generation Playstation 4 and Xbox one X title much less a Playstation 5 and Series X title. The character models look like they were designed and modeled by amateurs. The fire, water and environmental interactivity look like it was built for a 1.3 teraflop console with jaguar cpus. Hopefully the finished version of the game on PS5 and Series X proves me wrong.

  4. The hip-shooting of the revolver animation is so good. Lots of awesome things in this game but how can you not love that revolver, it's so satisfying.

  5. Generic third person shooter. Hideous character designs (especially the females). Doesn't really look next gen at all.
    I think I'm gonna pass this game.

  6. I don't want 2 say bad things, bcs I know the long hard work for a game, but 4 me it doesn't look like a next-gen game … it's more like a mashup but looks OK'ish & it's up 2 U 4 this game! ?

  7. You went to Poland? :O Wow amazing. Did read an article saying they were disappointed as it didn't really show next generation graphics wise but i suppose it is early days yet.

  8. It starts Horizon Zero Dawn, morphs into metal hunchback Gears, then morphed into a mundane flashy magic lights boring Gears style cover shooter. The only thing that qualifies it as next gen is the partical splatters. What a lame waste of next gen power. Let's hope Sony lead the way with great stories, great characters and fully organic worlds. This game is the usual flat floor battle arena with a few cover blocks layed out as cover. No lush detail or debris on the floor. Clinical appearance, devoid of lush art that tells a story. Naughty Dog are masters at creating environments that tell a story and look lived it. The cover points are part of that visual story and sit naturally in the scene. In games like this, you're hiding behind a box thinking, what is it, who built it, why is everything so clean. Nature is not clean. It does not obey humans.

  9. Pronounce the planets name EEE-NOCK

    I know they want to keep the majority of the content under wraps right now but man that environment really didn’t do the game many favours. It’s a cool setting but the setting being so drab really didn’t do it justice

  10. I know current Gen games that’ll put this to shame.

    1) Environments look simple! I find it hard to immerse myself in this game.

    2) Lighting, textures and character models tell me they didn’t spend much time on this. And even if you play it on the Series X, not much can be enhanced.

    3) Youtubers need to stop marketing or click baiting this game as next gen as they will disappoint everyone. This isn’t Next Gen, though will have a port on Next Gen.

    Anyone telling me this game was specifically designed from the ground up to play on Next Gen consoles is a joker.

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