iPhone 11 vs iPhone X-您应该升级吗?

iPhone 11 vs iPhone X-您应该升级吗?大家好,欢迎收看我在2019年Apple iPhone 11和2017年Apple iPhone X之间的完整对比视频。在此视频中,我们将详细介绍这两款手机,以期帮助您确定哪种手机最适合您。 Apple iPhone 11具有Apple A13 Bionic芯片组,6.1英寸液态视网膜LCD显示屏,4GB内存和具有超广角的双4K60录像后置摄像头。AppleiPhone X具有Apple A11 Bionic芯片组,5.8“ OLED Super视网膜显示屏,3GB内存和4K60后方录制视频,并配有远摄镜头。如果您拥有这些设备之一,请考虑在下面的社区中分享您的经验。如果您已经交易过设备,也可以考虑分享经验。和往常一样,感谢您的观看,并确保身体健康和和平:)

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  1. iPhone 11 vs iPhone X – Should you upgrade? Let's break it down after a super fun speed test the other day on the similar iPhone 11 Pro 🙂 Share your thoughts, experiences, questions, comments, concerns, and enjoy the episode 🙂

  2. Upgraded from 7 to the 11 only because I didn’t like how the cameras looked on the pro. But honestly anything is better than that 7 so I’m satisfied. Still trying to figure this phone out

  3. I’m actually getting the iPhone 11 for free, so I will give my mother my X because she has been wanting a better phone for a while now. She has had the same samsung for like six years, maybe more, so I think she’ll be happy with the iPhone X 🙂

  4. only thing i hate now is when they released the 11 i remembered i had a iOs update that was automatic and ever since then my X started acting funny, the camera quality on Snapchat wasn’t the same. The face ID was more easier to hack in. It ran a little slower and when my brother got the 11 i saw how it was more speedy and the camera on snapchat was more filtered and buffed out on the face

  5. My iPhone x started giving touch issue..I would have to restart Everytime after that..got frustrated and sold it and bought iPhone 11 black…the only difference that i really feel is the blacks on oled were true and dark but on LCD is not that dark.. otherwise 11 is better in everything else..

  6. No way I’m spending money for a 780p screen …. The phone is also very big sized.
    After all we are all day looking inside a screen . In my opinion the screen resolution is the first thing for me on a mobile .
    A11 and A13 are so close and sometimes you can’t say which one is faster.
    Only downgrade is the camera and the night mode . Download an app from AppStore (neuralcam)and you will have perfect night mode and on your iPhone X too

  7. I’ve had the iPhone X since it came out and had planned on keeping it for awhile longer cause it’s a beautiful phone, but the speakers started going out in my X. I couldn’t take a phone call without putting it on speaker phone because I could no longer hear with the phone up to ear, my best friend has the X and is having the same issue. So yesterday I finally got fed up with the speaker issues and upgraded to the iPhone 11

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