iOS 13.4预览版!

在进行了三个较大的更新(13.1、13.2、13.3)之后,Apple正在准备一个最终的iOS 13.4版本,以结束iOS 14之前的工作周期。iCloud文件夹共享是当前唯一可以肯定的功能,但是我认为我们可以请参阅对Mail和Bluetooth的持续改进。您是否期待iOS 13.4和iOS 14?

即将面世的2020 Apple产品:



  1. I would like Apple to fix all the issues they have introduced with accessibility function VoiceOver.
    Most serious is the IOS Weather app that cannot say intervals including negative degrees. Riight now when is is between e.g. -5 to -1 during the day, then VoiceOver will say 0 C to 0 C because negative degrees are read as 0 degrees. Apple has not fixed this for more than 2 years and despite many bug reports.

  2. the intro made no sense we know ios 13 will be coming to an end with apples YEARLY releases and wont see till september

  3. Will they have any PWM on the new operating system because I downgraded to my old iPhone 8 Plus because I am diagnosed with PANCOLITIS IBD IBS!

  4. I had my first contact with iOS on my previous iPhone 5s. I just bought it to see if a 7 years diehard Android user can adapt to it. And one of the features I like the most was smart invert, cause I could force everything go be dark, even apps that doesn't have a proper dark mode.
    Switched to an iPhone 7 months ago, and on iOS 13, even dark mode being good, I miss this feature. Pages on Safari doesn't follow it anymore, and transparent elements (such as the dock and the widgets area) appears to break when activated. I wanted to at least they revert to previous implementation, cause on iOS 12 it works perfectly well.

  5. Why do apps suddenly disappear from the App Store? I used an app to remotely control my airconditioner but it suddenly stopped working on my iPhone 11pro. I had to delete the app but then I couldn’t install it as it is no longer available in the App Store. Yes I will ask Apple. Thank you

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