

#iphone #stevejobs


—关于ColdFusion —
自2009年以来,ColdFusion是一家澳大利亚在线媒体公司,由Dagogo Altraide独立运营。主题涵盖在平静,轻松的环境中从事科学,技术,历史和商业活动的任何内容。

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最后一首歌:《 Burn Water-She Shines》(我尚未完成曲目制作)

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制片人:Dagogo Altraide

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  1. omg this video is soo goodd !! Im sad I gave up on my engineering dreams in highschool lol, their creativity is out of this world

  2. The human cost…. makes one wonder whether technology is serving man, or man serving technology. Intelligence in the service of madness… like mutually assured destruction. If you don't preserve the sanctity and integrity of family, society will ultimately crumble…. and it is!

  3. What motivates people to give so much of themselves while working in a hostile environment, and get so little reward or recognition for it?

  4. Part of the reason iPhone sales were slow in the first year was that it was an AT&T exclusive. And AT&T was charging a premium for the service. Even if you wanted to get the iPhone, many people would have been locked in to a multi-year contract with another service provider. The exclusive made sense I guess at the time, though it would be unheard of today now that advanced cellphones are so ubiquitous.

  5. 30:48 The story of google and Steve Jobs is very important to the history of the iPhone. Google founders were on the board at Apple and got wind of the iPhone before it launched. They took the idea and created Android….but with none of the years of hard work involved that Apple had to go through. Steve took this very personally, and that why Apple went gangbusters on Google/Samsung (round corners fiasco).

  6. Watching this on my iPhone 11……tears rolling down my eyes…..kudos to all the brilliant peoples that make the existence of this product possible…and Steve Jobs for keeping the fire going…

  7. Great sacrifice and great risk to the employees.
    Risk and reward for the executives.

    That final bit about Steve Jobs sounds inspirational, but I think it's quite worrying: he cares about making great products, his vision mattered over anything else, even the physical and social well-being of his employees. And we applauded him for it.

  8. It’s so weird to watch this on my iPhone 11 Pro Max because it seems like just yesterday the original iPhone came out. Now it’s 13 years later and the power of my phone would have been science fiction back then. The display alone is unbelievable.

  9. No offense but if some divine intervention really exists – I guessed they knew what Steve Jobs would be in the long run and so they decided to make him a legend rather than live as a Slave Lord.

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