Zill的新TANK版本实际上是OP! |勇士竞技场

吉尔(Zill)在最新版的《勇敢的竞技场》的亚洲服务器中扮演FULL TANK!在本视频中,我将向您展示和解释最佳的Zill坦克构造,奥秘和附魔,并告诉您为什么它如此精美!在尝试了大约10场比赛之后,我已经坚信这是AOV中最好的Zill版本! Zill的高基础伤害让您仍然可以在建立完整的坦克并专注于将CDR提升至40%的同时付出一吨的伤害,这实际上使您能够在战斗中停留更长时间,并不断重置s2冷却时间。这给Zill带来了极大的移动性!这种构建与Zill工具包的协同作用确实令人着迷,因为构建像Zill这样的刺客是如此不自然,如此笨拙,但是您必须自己尝试一下才能相信!




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#zill #tankzill #aov

  1. you should try zill full tank in slayer lane with a punish it works out pretty good for me. you can do full tank if you are playing with you r friends, i think frost cape fits zill full tank really well
    And also you should just poke and get your sec reset and save your ult untill you are almost dead so you can trigger the enchantment and scared them.

  2. For those that thought why Zill still have solid amount of damage despite building tons of tank item,its because his damage source mainly come from his passive.Zill naturally have innate extra magic damage in his auto attack,and it scale with level only.It doesn't have scale with AP ratio.So thats mean that for early game jungling speed,both Tank Zill and AP Zill have pretty much the same damage.
    And so a lot people might thought later on like mid game and late game Tank Zill may have slower monster killing potential but he actually still can clear the jungle decently fast.Tank Zill can constantly reset his S2 way more often than normal AP Zill because he able to apply full stacks of mark without killing the target too soon especially on creeps like minion and jungle monster.The S2 reset enhanced auto attack also have scaling with level and the base damage is pretty high,which also means that constant S2 reset enhanced auto attack can cover up his damage loss from tank builds.

    Also,worth thing to note that Zill have very high base HP.At Lv15,his base HP is actually a little bit lower than Zephys.In KoG,Zill's counterpart (Luna) is Warrior/Mage rather than Assassin/Mage.It actually hint that Zill is able to play as bruiser tanky style or bursty assassin style just like Zephys and Luna.

    Tank Zill can easily win most 1v1 against any assassin like Murad,Kriknak,Wukong,Butterfly,Quillen,etc.He also can take down marksman quite easily too.You can do quite amount of damage to them with Leviathan-magic damage auto attack passive while receiving little damage thanks to tank items and invulnerability from ulti.Overall Tank Zill is very solid in almost all situation except one.
    The only situation that Tank Zill will be very ineffective is against teamcomp that excel in continuos sustain damage like Lauriel,Moren,Zephys,Florentino,Kil'Groth,Omen.Against this kind of teamcomp,building AP Zill would be better.

    All and all,its still depend on your playstyle and enemy teamcomp.If you thought AP Zill is still the better choice,go ahead.Especially this patch got the new mage item,it help AP Zill a lot.Just want to share my opinion because some people think Tank Zill is a troll build but in reality he can do well either as a classic mage-assassin he normally build or as an unexpected bizzare looking tank build.

    By the way,I did try Tank Zephys and compared him with Tank Zill.Surpisingly Tank Zill have generally way more damage than Tank Zephys rather than pretty much the same as I first thought.Its because Zephys's magic damage from ulti rely on AD scaling while Zill's passive magic damage simply need leveling up.Also,if Tank Zephys miss his ulti,he wont be doing damage.

  3. Magnificent teamwork. I do like your more casual videos, but this is superb. I mained zill back in the day (jg isn't my main role though) and I've never seen this. ❤❤?

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